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It depends on many factors: soil type, climate, initial soil chemical conditions, residue left behind, aspect, slope, etc. When the soil is more exposed to climate through the removal of the forest canopy, many things change. However, these changes may only be short lived.

The soil will see an increase in sunlight and as a result will experience increased heating. This heating will likely exacerbate organic matter decomposition through increased oxidation.

The soil will also experience more precipitation and subsequent water movement through the profile. Will the major water "pumps" gone (trees can transfer large volumes of water from the soil to the atmosphere through transpiration) the soil will retain more. This movement has the potential to transport some nutrients to lower reaches of the soil profile. The water movement will also serve to weather the soil particles and over time (thousands of years) the soil will change in texture and nutrient loading.

The soil will feel less of a demand on nutrients, initially. With the major vegetation gone nutrients stored in the soil will likely be more plentiful for the next vegetative occupants.

There is a potential for increased sedimentation depending on the texture, slope, and soil cover. The trees deflect a tremendous amount of energy from rainfall. This energy now has the potential to move exposed soil. If there is enough slope, the dislodged soil may move. Loss of the upper portions of the soil are most damaging to productivity as this is where most nutrients are found. Another potential hazard or erosion is the movement of soil to water bodies which may bury benthic species, retard spawning habitat, and decrease storage capacity of lakes, dams, reservoirs.

All in all, the effect of the soil from forest clear cutting depends on a variety of attributes. Some may be beneficial and some may be detrimental.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Clear cutting effects the emviroment in many ways. I mostly effects the enviroment, but it can take away soil near water, and the result is a flood, or polution to the water if the soil is unhealthy. It can make many animals endangered, and those who cant adapt to other places die.

Hope i helped you!

:) :) :)

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9y ago

if you cut a tree what does it do to the soil

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