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The KKK were founded in 1865, Martin King, a local doctor of Pulaski, Tennesee who founded the organisation as a kind of support group for troubled young christian men, the group didn't become politicised until much later

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The KKK was created after the civil war to scare African American's who were seeking their freedom from the plantation system. They wear white because they are suppose to ghosts of Confederate soldiers. The most important people in an area were often KKK so laws were ignored and cases not investigated. The KKK still exists today and other hate groups have been created and follow their lead.

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There is really no way to stop the KKK. Basically you can not stop racism no matter how hard you try, there will always be people who do not like someone because of race though there is nothing wrong with this due to the 1st admenmant

Who is the cardinal of the kkk?

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Initiation into the KKK?

what are the iniation in to the KKK in the 1940s

What is the KKK doing now?

Giving speeches and trying to scare the blacks and other groups they hate. Since the law doesn't allow them to hurt anyone these days, they just spew mean racial-slurs at meetings and rally

Did the KKK ever target Mormons you have seen many different answers so you have no Idea?

Yes, the KKK did target Mormons in the Southern United States. There are several events described in various journals and newspapers. It is thought that the KKK started the rumor that Mormons have horns (due to Elder J. Golden Kimball telling them so in an attempt to scare them) and contributed to the rumor that Mormonism is very secretive (because meetings and services were often held secretly at night to avoid harrassment).

Who does the KKK define as American?

how does the kkk define americanism

What banned the KKK?

Federal legislation banned the KKK.

Are there KKK in pennslyvania?

The KKK is a secret organization. However, there were KKK groups in Pennsylvania is the 1920, largely because of its staunch support of National Prohibition.