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Try eating curd and drink milk, don't eat anytihng oily and spicy

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Q: How solvr the acidity problem?
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Is skipping of food brings the problem of acidity?

because of junk food

Why is cintodac capsul.?

Cintodac is given to person having acidity problem.

Why is cintodac capsules given?

Cintodac is given to person having acidity problem.

Why is medicine micropride-25 is given?

I think it given for stomach problem like acidity

Can acidity cause heart problem when you get pain around the heart?

Acidity can cause heart burn which is typified by chest pain that feels like your heart. It's not located in your heart. It's indigestion.

Does adding a pinch of baking soda to drinking water will help in acidity problem?

Sometimes it does and other times it dosent.

What is the plural of acidity?

The plural of acidity is acidities.

Which medicine doctor prescribed to treat acidity?

I'm not sure what you mean by acidity, but if you mean for acid reflux, medications commonly used are the proton pump inhibitor group such as omeprazole (Prilosec) or esomeprazole (Nexium) or Histamine (H2) blockers such as ranitidine (Zantac) or cimetidine (Tagamet). These are effective drugs, but of course, just like all drugs, they have side effects and you should discuss this acidity problem with a physician. I hope this answers your question.

What is acidity function?

An acidity function is the relationship between the acidity of a solution and the concentration of its solute.

How acidity of a substance can be lowered?

The acidity can be lowered by adding a base.

What is the difference between free acidity and total acidity?

Free acidity refers to the percentage of total acidity in a substance that is present in its free, unbound form. Total acidity, on the other hand, includes both free (unbound) and bound acids in a substance. Free acidity is a subset of total acidity and can help provide a more accurate measure of the level of acidity that can be perceived in a substance.

How acidity can be prevented?

Acidity can usually be prevented by antacids.