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I say around 89 % because they are alot of homeless people and the government even said that they hate people messing up their country and they will not help the homless be in homes again

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Q: How much percentage of homeless people are hated?
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Homelessness is an epidemic, much like measles or malaria. Most homeless are mentally ill or addicted to different things. Being homeless is not a choice, it is an illness.

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only a few... the only ones who don't have shoes are the ones that are homeless and there is not much homeless people in minnesota. i know this because i live in Minnesota and i haven't been seing much homeless people around there so yaaa and really do you have to know this stupid question world gawwd

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Pretty much all 303,591,568 of us. (yes, even the Amish and the homeless use electricity). the percentage of people that use electricity is 97%! :D that also, means that only 3% don't use electricity. :(

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People who need it and have food stamps. Basically homeless people and people who dont have much can benefit from it.

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