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Probably every single bit of the surface water, to one extent or another. Answer: The answer is dependent on your conditions for "polluted" If potability (drinkability) is the criteria, then all of the Earths seas and oceans are polluted due to the salt content. If the presence of any levels of salt or organic material is a concern (i.e. is the water chemically pure water) all water is polluted. About 70% of our Earth's surface is covered by water. However:

  • 97.5% of all water is salt water, only 2.5% is fresh water
  • About 70% of fresh water is frozen in Antarctica and Greenland;
  • Of the remainder most is underground or soil moisture,
This leaves about less than 1% of the world's fresh water (~0.007% of all water on earth) for direct human uses.

COMMENT: But that's not the question, the question is 'what percentage of freshwater is polluted? Is it 25%, is it more? Less? Would you prefer to use a pie graphic...showing a third or more? We didn't ask for the answers we were given and we'd really appreciate it if you simply answer the question instead of answering every else EXCEPT the question. - Jane Streeter.

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12y ago

The percent of the polluted water on earth cannot be told in exact percentage but I can say most of the rivers on earth and seas around industrial areas can be polluted. Also where oill spills are been caused there have been polluted.

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14y ago

what is the percent of fresh water that is polluted

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How much polluted water is on earth?

About 2% of the total water on Earth is polluted to the point that humans cannot drink it.97% is ocean water, and a lot of water is locked in the ice caps or aquaphors far underground, so this is a significant amount. Only about 1% is drinkable for humans.

How many humans die of polluted water?

4,500 humans die of water pollution everyday! Clean our water!

Why is the ocean in trouble?

The humans started littering and it polluted the water.

What is an example of a false statement about water?

An example of a false statement about water might be: All water is unhealthy for you. - That is false; humans need water to survive. However, a true statement (an opposing statement) would be: If water is polluted or contaminated, it may be very unhealthy to drink. But if no other source of water is present, humans would still need to drink the polluted water.

Is ground water polluted?

It very much depends on the area; some groundwater is polluted but other groundwater is pure.

Are shrimp polluted?

well if the shrimp are cuaght in polluted water then they are polluted but if there are caught in fresh water then theyt are not polluted

What makes caribbean water blue?

The Caribbean has very clear blue water because it is clean. This water has not been overly polluted by humans yet.

How much good water in Africa?

Forty five percent of the water in Africa is polluted

What is difference between polluted water and contaminated water?

polluted water is more dangerous for use and contaminated water is poisiones then polluted

How much of the worlds water is polluted?

0.00034 percent.

What happens to polluted water?

Polluted water can harm aquatic life, make drinking water unsafe, and spread diseases to humans. It can also degrade ecosystems and affect the overall health of the environment. Treatment processes such as filtration and chemical treatment can help remove pollutants from water before it is discharged back into the environment.

What are the effects on human life does water pollution have on us?

Water pollution effects human life in many ways, however, one is so much more vicious and parental than the rest.Water is a particle carrier and so all water contains something and when water is polluted it carries more bad things for humans.Humans are born consisting of 97% holo water or structured water, which is thin water and can pass easily at the cellular level for healthy delivery of nutrients and quick removal of toxins.Water pollution, therefore, makes water thick water and chaotic water that cannot pass into and between human cells.Most humans are dehydrated due to polluted water and ironically die from their cells drowning in fat water trapped around their cells.