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Q: How much of my donation goes to overhead in Salvation Army?
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How much is salvation army worth?

ITS WORTH OVER 2 BILLION!!! The money they collect around the holidays goes yo overhead. 93 cents of every dollar supposedly goes to helping out.

How much money does the salvation army use of the money they raise?

They all share it some goes to the nurses some goes to the equitment well to buy the eqipment it all goes to help the salvation army

Where can you donate crutches?

Salvation Army will take them and money for the sale goes to the charity.

Who is the Famous person in helping people?

In New Nealand... People Reckonise The Salvation army. In New Nealand... People Reckonise The Salvation army. In New Nealand... People Reckonise The Salvation army.

Why and how was salvation army founded?

When William Booth and his wife started the Salvation Army in 1865, it was originally called the East London Christian Mission. The story goes that at a meeting of its leaders, someone said that they were like a great volunteer army, to which William Booth, the Army's founder, replied something like: I am not a volunteer for I am compelled to do what I do. We are not a volunteer army, we are a Salvation Army. In 1878, the organisation became known as the Salvation Army. They adopted a uniform and adapted Christian words to popular tunes sung in the public bars.

What fraction of a donation is goes to management and development?

It varies widely with the charity. This is a factor to consider when making a donation. Check out the related link.

Who set up the salvation army?

The Salvation Army was founded by ( General) William Booth in l865 in England. the US branches commenced about l89l . a feud between the ranks culminated in a split between the Salvationists and what was to become the Volunteers of America. one SA citadel had the sign, so the story goes- the Christian Mission, a Volunteer Army- and Booth, learning of the upstart"s defection, crossed out Volunteer and emphasized Salvation, from that day on , two different denominations. The Volunteers have dropped their paramilitary ranks and some religious orientation in recent years.

Where does electricity go after it goes to the wooden overhead lines?

Overhead distribution lines are made of aluminium not wood.

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What percentage of a money donation goes to administrative costs?

It varies from organization to organization.

Is overhead a adj adv noun verb?

The word 'overhead' is a noun, an adjective and an adverb.Examples:We put our coats in the overhead. (noun)This cost goes into overhead expenses. (noun)The ball flew overhead and out of sight. (adverb)

How much of a donation to stjudeorg actually goes to St Jude Hospital?

10 % or more