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It is said that grand juries are actually creatures of the prosecution these days, and that if the prosecutor presented some evidence however little a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich for murder. That being said, the grand jury needs to have enough evidence on two subjects: one, was there a crime, and two is there some reason to believe a particular individual was involved. For further discussion see the related links below. See Discussion page.

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Q: How much evidence do you have to have at grand jury?
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Related questions

What is the process of a grand jury?

A grand jury listens to evidence and decides if a trial is warranted.

Which type of jury only reviews evidence?

Grand Jury.

What does it take for grand jury to convict some one for the death penalty?

The grand jury does not convict anyone of anything. The grand jury hears the evidence presented by the prosecutor. If the grand jury thinks the prosecutor has adequate evidence, then the grand jury indicts that person. A trial will then be held before a petite jury, or small jury. It is that jury that determines if someone will get the death penalty.

What is the conviction rate in a grand jury trail?

People are not convicted by the grand jury. The grand jury only listens to the evidence to see if there is enough for an indictment.

Does the grand jury decide guilt in a child abuse case?

The grand jury never decides guilt. The grand jury decides whether or not to indict, based on the sufficiency of evidence.

Who presents evidence in a Grand Jury Indictment?

The Prosecution.

How does the grand jury system protect people accused of serious crimes?

The grand jury reviews the evidence against the accused

A special jury that determines if there is enough evidence to bring to trial?

A jury doesn't decide that, a District Attorney usually decides that.Another View: In some jurisdictions you would be referring to a Grand Jury.

In a felony case the purpose of a grand jury is to?

The Grand Jury is to decide if the evidence warrants prosecution.

What are the two types of juries in the federal court system?

Grand juries and Petit juries are the two kinds of juries. Grand juries review evidence of criminal action to determine if there is probable cause for bringing charges and if so, issue an indictment. Petit juries review evidence in both civil and criminal trials to determine the facts and render verdicts either for or against the parties in civil actions or guilty or not guilty in criminal actions.

When do you need a grand jury?

YOU (individually) don't NEED and can't request, a Grand Jury. Grand Juries are convened at the direction of the government, not at the request of the defendant. A grand jury decides if there is enough evidence to stand trial.

In what proceeding does only the prosecution present evidence?

grand jury