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Mining operations in forest areas have also contributed to the destruction of forests.Mining activities cause soil erosion,while mine wastes and tailings pollute bodies of water.

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Q: How mining operation cause the destruction of forest?
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How can mining operations cause the destruction of forests?

Mining operations in forest areas have also contributed to the destruction of forests. Mining activities cause soil erosion, while mine wastes pollute bodies of water. Also the miners cut down lots of trees for space. :)) -Tomo-graphy xD

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Why global warming cause forest destruction?

Because it makes fires more likely.

How does mining cause global warming?

Illegal mining does not cause global warming. This is caused by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). What illegal mining often does cause is habitat destruction and water pollution of water sources near the mining operation.

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people die because of them and also make forest fires

What destroys more habitats underground mining or surface mining?

Surface mining typically destroys more habitats than underground mining because it involves the removal of large amounts of topsoil and vegetation. This can result in significant disruption to the local ecosystem, including habitat destruction for wildlife. Underground mining, on the other hand, has a smaller surface footprint and may cause less direct habitat destruction.

What is the land destroyed due to mining activity called?

The land destroyed due to mining activity is called a mine site or a mining site. Activities such as excavation, drilling, and blasting can cause environmental degradation and habitat destruction on these sites.

What are the problems associated with Coal Mining?

Coal mining can cause massive environmental destruction via unrestricted strip mining, and it can destroy nearby rivers via acid mine drainage. It can harm the health of workers and people living nearby, as well.

How can floods causes destruction of forests?

Floods cause destruction because it loosens the soil in the forest to much causing erosion and washes away soil. -Tomo-graphy xD

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- they explode - they cause damage / destruction - they can kill living things - they can be used for good (demolition, mining, etc...) or evil (terrorist activites)

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Guns do not cause destruction. They may be used by people that cause destruction.

Do maximum destruction cause at epicenter?

yes it cause major destruction