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It still isn’t banned worldwide. Today there are at least 25 million slaves in the world. Slavery has never left mankind. In our world women and children are the main victims as sex slaves, and this includes in the United States.

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Q: How many years was it from the the time the Quakers first protested about slavery to when it was finally banned worldwide?
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Did slavery exist in Quakers family?

For a time it did but was not common. When Pennsylvania and the Quakers finally decided to do away with slavery a previously disputed area was given to Deleware so those who owned slaves could move there and conflict was avoided.

Did the northerners feel that slavery was violant to christian religion?

Many Christians and Quakers were very opposed to slavery and protested against the U.S. government for a very long time to try to end slavery, and some Christians helped slaves escape to the north and provided hiding places for them along the way.

What groups resisted slavery and why?

Quakers resisted slavery.

How did elizabeth heyrick fight against slavery?

She protested until slavery was completelyabolished

Quakers were among the first in England to speak out blank slavery?

Quakers were among the first in England to speak out AGAINST slavery.

Who were the first religious group to speak out against slavery?

The Quakers were among the first religious groups to speak out against slavery in the United States. They actively campaigned against the institution of slavery and were instrumental in the abolitionist movement.

Why was Quakers opposed to slavery?

Quakers opposed slavery on moral grounds, believing that all individuals were equal and deserving of respect. They considered slavery to be a violation of human rights and incompatible with their religious beliefs. Quakers actively fought against slavery and were instrumental in the abolitionist movement.

What is important about Quakers?

They stopped slavery.

How did Puritans feel about slaves?

The Puritans were opposed to slavery and many Christians, Puritans, and Quakers protested the government because of slavery and helped make the underground railroad to free slaves. The Puritans were in America before slavery. England started the slave trade to America and France provided almost all of the slave transport on ships to America.

What didn't the Quakers like?

They did not believe in the other religions

Who was the first to pioneer the abolitionist movement?

Quakers were the pioneers in the anti-slavery movement, first speaking out against slavery in 1688. Four Dutch Quakers sent a petition to the monthly meeting of Quakers, calling for the abolishment of slavery. No action was taken on this petition due to the Quaker's commercial interests.

When were the Quakers campaigning for the abolition of slavery?

Though the Quakers were thought to have opposed slavery from the very beginning however they didn't really stand out much until the 1700s which is a well known time to which they began to campaign for the abolition of slavery.