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Q: How many trees do rubber tappers cut down?
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How many rubber trees need for taping one kg?

Minimum 13 to 17 trees need for taping 1 Kg Rubber sheet.

How many rubber trees will be there in one acre?

Approximately 228

How many rubber trees need to be taped to get one sheet of rubber?

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How many trees can produce one kg of latex rubber?

Normally 5-8 healthy rubber tree can give 1Kg of rubber

Where do you find rubber trees?

Rubber trees are typically found in tropical regions such as Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. They require a warm climate with high humidity and consistent rainfall to thrive. These trees are commonly cultivated on plantations for the production of natural rubber.

How many rubber trees can be planted in one acre of land in India?

An average rubber tree can produce 200 to 400 kilograms of rubber a year. This depends on the age and the size of the rubber tree as well as the location of the tree.

How many trees are cut down for electricity?

Unlimated trees

How many rubber trees can plant in one hectar?

On average, about 450 rubber trees can be planted in one hectare of land. The spacing between the trees is typically around 6 meters by 6 meters to allow for proper growth and tapping of the latex.

How many trees were cut down in 2011 in the philipppines?

about 50,000 trees

How many trees fell down in the great storm in1987?

About 15 million trees fell down

How many trees does McDonald's cut down yearly?

McDonald's themselves don't cut down trees.

How many trees have humans chopped down pear year?

100 trees have been chopped down in a year