people like mushoe pork on wensdays The, "Stop Cloning Act" of 1997
Cloning is new. Asking if it is still in use is like asking if people still use solar powered lights. It is new and currently being developed but has made many advancmnets
Muslim people along with Christians and Jewish people consider cloning a taboo, and forbid it.
because it can be used for bad things like starting a war. Reproductive cloning is making a whole organism so you could always create an army of people. Plus its also against many religions as they are being created the right way.
I like cheeze
This is an ethical question and is based on personal opinions.There are many types of cloning and two of them are reproductive and therapeutic. Usually when people think that cloning is ethically right, they are mostly focusing on therapeutic cloning which is only creating a whole new single body part from a single cell. People who generally think that cloning is wrong are focusing more on the reproductive cloning which creates an entirely new organism.Both sides have their pros and cons. For example, therapeutic can create new body parts for a sick person and save their lives, using the same person's cells. But reproductive cloning may cause many problems such as people have too similar DNA and letting new diseases arise.My personal opinion is that cloning should be allowed for therapeutic reasons only but should be controlled so the research does not get out of control. If people were able to learn how to clone someone or something, this could cause multiple issues for humans and other species.
With the successful cloning of animals, many people have reacted with frightening and usually judgmental ideas about what cloning is and what researchers hope to achieve through it. Many wish to ban all cloning without even looking at the positive things that cloning will be able to provide for us in the future and with continued research. Like any new technology, people are at first afraid, but this is no excuse to abandon research that could one day save millions of people through cloned organs or give an alternative and safe means of reproduction to sterile couples..Did you ever imagine having a child that is the exact replica of you? Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far from reach. The way we could peruse these is through a process called cloning. There are many advantages and benefits including being able to save endangered species and have children if you're infertile. Firstly, one benefit of cloning can be used in the future of the medical field. Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Scientists predict that in the near future they will be able to clone healthy heart cells and inject them into damaged areas. Next, what would you do if you were unable to produce a child naturally? Modern science has made it possible to produce a child through cloning. For many people who are unable to have children cloning provides these persons with the hope of having a biological child of their own. Cloning can also be seen as a means of having a child without having sex. Cloning can effectively reduce the number of people with STD's. In addition, using the process of cloning, in the future we could save endangered species by replicating them and therefore increasing their population and keeping it far from extinction
11 states u stupid people
cose their fools
I guess cloning is something like making a exact copy.Cloning in computers or tech. means that you create a clone disk of one disk and run program using the clone. Cloning also means hacking into telephone systems and cloning someone's phone. That means you clone your phone to act like the other person's.
Christians are against cloning because its like you're playing God if you clone because God can only give life.
This is not really a question. But I think u mean what are the ethic prombelms that we as a socetiy have to deal with so that cloning advances. Basically there are many probelms. Here are a few examples:-Cultural Issues: like creating super humens or cloning Hitler-Religious views: there is a lot of these (ex. christian views)- Personal probelms with cloning-Media probelmsThere are many more ethical probelms that can't be explained shortly in this answer. I advise looking at different websites or just googleing it.