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each chapter grants about 337 wishes a year at an average cost of $7500 a wish. there is about one chapter per state. and a wish is answered every forty seconds

it was founded in 2005 about 1 month after Hurricane Katrina.

Frank shankwitz, along with two co-founders founded the Make A Wish Foundation. Frank was a motorcycle police officer, everything Chris, a little 7-year old boy with luikemia, wanted to be. Chis's wish was the first ever granted. He wanted to be a officer like Frank. He was taken on helicoptor ride and afterwards was taken on a motorcycle ride with Shankwitz. At the end of the day, Shankwitz went to Chris's house to give him a motorcycle driving test on the little boy's battery-powered cycle, but he was not there he had a strock and almost died. The next day Frank came to Chris's hospital bed. He was in a coma. When Frank went to pin Chris's motorcycle wings on his uniform that was hanging on the side of his bed. When the wings were pinned on, Chri came out of the coma. The next day, the boy died. He died, but with a granted wish, he was carried to heaven on those motorcycle wing he so loved.

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