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Not sure if there are statistics on this, but at first kids tend not to say anything as they think it will get worse if they do.

It is best if they speak up straight away when they realise they are being bullied as the sooner they say about it the sooner it can be investigated. It is important that they tell their parents and School, and to keep insisting on something be done about it if they are not being paid attention to. They should tell them how it makes them feel being bullied.

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Q: How many kids speak up about getting bullied?
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like millions of people get bullied in facebook but its really sad

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50/ KIDS ARE getting bullied because there colour mostly black kids. Actually I never saw 1 black kid get picked on in high school but I did see many white kids get picked on by the black kids. Whites don't care about race anymore. The only ones that seem to be hung up on race are blacks. It is now reversed.

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too many