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Two or three people at one time.

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Q: How many immigrants can one person sponsor?
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Can one person be a sponsor for two candidates for confirmation?

Yes, one person can be sponsor for up to two candidates.

How do you spell the word sponcer?

There is no such word, or a need for one. The word "sponsor" is already a noun applied to a person, group, or company.

What is connon 873?

Can. 873 There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each. Source: How many godparents can a person have? A person can have either one male or one female godparent, or one of each, according to canon 873. Canon law prohibits two godparents of the same sex or more than two godparents. Source:

How does one become a legal alien by the help of an uncle?

No, uncle won't help. The laws allow immigrants to sponsor immigrant visas to their families which mean parents, spouses and children.

Did you ever hear of a sponsor for the whole group receiving confirmation?

Yes, back before 1963 it was common for one person, selected by the parish, to sponsor all of the candidates for Confirmation.

How many sponsor country did balboa have?

One. Spain paid for his voyage.

Can a confirmation candidate have a non-Catholic sponsor and a Catholic sponsor?

A sponsor is not required at Confirmation, although many bishops allow them, or even require them. Only one sponsor is customary where it is required, if you would like more than one, you would have to have your pastor check with the Bishop.

Do immigrant and migrant mean the same?

No. An immigrant is a person who moves from one country to a different country to live there permanently. A migrant is a person who moves from place to place to do seasonal work. There are some migrants who are also immigrants, but there are immigrants who are not migrants and there are migrants who are not immigrants.

Where would one go to sponsor a christian child?

One place to sponsor a child is ChildFund International. it is only twenty eight dollars a month to sponsor a child and you can correspond with the child you sponsor.

How many immigrants are in the us military?

about one quarter

How many immigrants arrived in 1900 in Ellis Island?

14 million, most of which were European

How many illegal immigrants are in the US military?

about one quarter