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Q: How many bodies of water are affected by water pollution in the US?
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Which country was affected by water?

Many countries are affected by water-related issues such as floods, droughts, pollution, and scarcity. Some examples include Bangladesh (floods), Australia (droughts), India (water pollution), and South Africa (water scarcity).

Why is environmental pollution largely a manmade problem?

for example many people throw thier garbages in the bodies of water.and also many factory do this.ths is one cause of water pollution.

Who does water pollution effect?

The water pollution is very dangerous for human health and it is increased day by day due to following reasons: Many water bodies near urban areas like cities and towns are highly polluted due to both garbage dumped by individuals and harmful chemicals dumped by manufacturing industries and factories. Dead fish, crabs, birds and sea gulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat. The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills life that inhabits water-based ecosystems. The interaction of living things in a place, depending on each other for life) can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Many areas are now being affected by careless human pollution, and this pollution is coming back to hurt humans in many ways

How many animals die from water pollution?

Depends on the ecosystem. If it's fresh water then many can be effected by it.

How many species of animals and plants are affected by ocean pollution?

All of them

How do you save animals from water pollution?

We can help animals affected by water pollution by learning more about the health benefits of structured water and how structured water is made by nature in the water cycle and how we can provide structured water sources for animals and for ourselves as humans.

Water pollution questions answer for kids of 4 grade?

1. Why water pollution is a problem? Because, water pollution kills. It kills the fish and all living beings that lives in the water. If all the water life is dead so will much of humans food source will die too. 2. How Many People Pollute Each Year? Millions of people pollute each year. 3. How a ocean can get contaminated? water pollution, oil spills/leaks, people throwing litter into the ocean. 1. Why does water pollution affect all living beings? Because, contaminates our bodies and many of animals habitats.

How many bodies of water does Indiana have?

indiana has 103 bodies of water

How have human activities modified water quality?

Human activities have modified water quality through pollution from industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and inadequate sewage disposal. These activities introduce harmful chemicals, nutrients, and pathogens into water bodies, leading to contamination and degradation of water quality. Efforts to reduce pollution through better waste management and regulation are crucial to protect our water resources.

How many kind of population?

the main pollution kinds are light pollution (like when there is so much light from cities that the wild animals are disturbed and the stars are barely visible) , air pollution like fumes and smog, water pollution like when chemicals are dumped into bodies of water, and littering, like when plastic and other wastes are thrown into the natural world. I'm not sure if this is the fixed number, but there are 4 kinds of general pollution

About how many small organisms die from water pollution?

More than 20,000 can die with water pollution

What is theEffect of water pollution on all animals?

Water Pollution effects all animals in different ways. It depends on the level of water pollution.Through drainage and sewage in the urban areas many harmful chemicals pollutes water bodies. Uses of fertilizers like phosphorous and nitrogen for agriculture and different different pesticides mixes with water through rainwater runoff. these chemicals are harmful to animals.All aquatic animals like fishes, dolphins, amphibians etc. are affected by water pollution.Water pollution also disturbs food-chains and kills many birds also. Polluted water kills tiny fishes like shellfish, birds dies when it eat polluted shellfish.Polluted water affected human beings too. Many water borne diseases like Typhoid, intestinal parasites and diarrhea kills human beings. water borne diseases are caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses. Among the most serious parasitic diseases are amoebiasis, giardiasis,ascariasis and hookworm. these type of water borne diseases are caused in areas where sanitation is inadequate and/or non-existent.Water pollution also effects domestic animals like cows, horses etc. due to drinking of polluted water. Wild animals like tiger, lion, wild cats,foxes are affected by polluted water as most of them drinks water from river.Water pollution also affects animal and human healths in many ways.