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Unfortunately, exact numbers are not really known. Many bisexuals are not public with their lifestyles. Other times, when the suicides are reported, they are put down as either homosexual or heterosexual. The numbers on bisexuals are not usually accurately kept.

According to a study published by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, bisexual men are 6.3 times more likely, and bisexual women 5.9 times more likely to commit suicide than heterosexuals.

The study showed that bisexual individuals face issues from both gay and straight cultures. Often, they receive pressure from the straight community for being gay, and from the gay culture for not being gay enough. This puts them at a higher suicide risk due to anxiety, as well as more stress related mental health issues of other sorts.

However, according to the Family Acceptance Project, LGB teens that came from a family that rejected them are 8.4 times more likely to attempt suicide than ones that came from families that supported them.

Report from San Francisco Human Rights Commission:

The Trevor Project Facts About Suicide:

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