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it can last up until either the person causing it stops or up until someone has sorted out the problem

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12y ago

itisnt about how long they can take it, its about how long they can hide it. not that they should have to, they shouldn't be bullied in the first place

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Q: How long can a child take being bullied?
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How do you know if your child is being bullied?

by there look on faces or if they are in a bad mood probably if they are quiet throughout the day and are not bothered to do any thing some time a child might have to take something for the bully or else they will harm them.

What are some social stories about being bullied?

A student who got bullied at school learned to stand up for themselves and speak to a teacher for help, which led to the bully being confronted and the situation resolved. A child who experienced cyberbullying joined a support group for advice and empathy, finding comfort in sharing their experiences with others who understood. A teenager who was bullied because of their race found strength in their cultural identity and sought out allies who could help them address the discrimination they faced.

Why do some kids who have been bullied bully others?

Sometimes to take out frustration and anger that has been built up over the course of them being bullied they bully others around them.

What might happen to kids that might have been bullied?

Depression is a major complication of being bullied and has led to several suicides. You also see kids that have been bullied lash out in rages of anger and do things like go on shooting sprees. There have been cases where the kids being bullied are physically abused to the point that they are permanently impaired or even killed. If you are being bullied, you must tell someone you trust to take action. Most teachers are sensitive to the issues of bullying.

What will the people who get bullied do?

Most people who are bullied will be hurt and perhaps angry at those who bullied them, but they will move on and realize that the people who bullied them usually have issues of their own that they take out on others.

Why am i getting bullied?

You don't get bullied because there is something wrong with you, there is something wrong with the bully, either you might be alittle different and they want to point it out or they just like being mean. Tell your parents, make them take you out of that school, and avoid those who are being idiots and bullying you.

Why do teenagers ditch their friends when they see them being bullied?

Often, if you are bullied-verbally or physically-your friends don't want to get involved in case the bully turns on them. They are afraid and don't know what to make of the situation so they buzz off. It's the sad truth... A good friend would take the risk, and support or defend the person being bullied. Some friends are not such good ones.

How does being bullied affect people?

well, bullying is a horrible thing, people get mentally bullied, physically bullied and even sometimes so bullied that they suicide, about 23% of people die because of suicide and bullies, so if your getting bullied, take my advice, you know how teachers tell you to tell them? FIGHT BACK, how can you tell a teacher if your being punched in the face, so fight back, then tell them, if you get in trouble, say "i was only protecting myself." because its true.

What actions would you take if you witness a service user being bullied or abused?

I would report it to local authorities or their boss

Is there any conclusion can write related to bullying?

One can start a conclusion about bullying by starting to stamp it out. Do not encourage bullies to continue in their ways. Make sure that you are helping those who are being bullied to stand up or take the time to intervene in a bullying situation to protect those who are being bullied. Take control of the situation, don't let the kids be left alone.

How long should it take for your boyfriend tO acknowledge your child?

Not long at all.

How long will it take you to get your foster child?

it can take up to 6months-8months longer if the child you want to adopt has a disability