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Welfare is very helpful to those that are in need. Many people need Government Assistance to help them get back on their feet. Because of welfare many less fortunate people can eat and have a place to live every day.

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Q: How is welfare helpful to poor people?
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Do Jews collect welfare?

There are poor Jews on welfare, just as there are poor Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, and people of every type, gender, color, age, and nationality on welfare. There are poor people of every type in the world.

What percentage of White people are on welfare?

In the United States, about 38% of welfare recipients are White, making up the largest racial group receiving welfare.

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People who collect welfare may be, based upon their income, also eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid is a joint federal/state healthcare program for the poor and is a type of welfare.

Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with the poor?

There are poor people in pretty much every country. Some countries develop extensive welfare programs to fend for the poor, while other countries leave the poor to themselves.

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It means you will offer curtain benefits if people are sick,disabled,poor,homeless,old,and more

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What was the poor laws?

A law based on the idea that if you make being poor really awful, people will no longer choose to be poor. Kinda dumb, huh? Still the idea behind Republican notions of welfare "reform".

How might the welfare reform program help reduce poverty?

It provides poor people with basic needs, such as food and medical care.

Is greg poor?

yes, that's why he collects welfare checks!

How did Elizabethan poor laws shape social welfare policy in the US?

the elizabethan poor laws was amango of laws established to shep the welfare this laws was looking to the categolies of the poor how they lived and how goverment can helping them such category are able bodies poor this are physical feet but they dont want to work so govarment forced them to work when they resist send them to jail 2: important poor this was based to all widos and childern who havents any support of helping them 3.dependent poor this is about all disability people was helped in order to obtain services or basic needs of the people

What has the author Larry Frohman written?

Larry Frohman has written: 'Poor relief and welfare in Germany from the Reformation to World War I' -- subject(s): History, Poor, Services for, Charities, Public welfare

How many white people are there on welfare?

White people make up 42% of the poor, but take in 69% of government benefits