Light pollution is caused by the overuse of artificial lighting - particularly the lights from brightly lit buildings and street lights and as well as it washing out views of many distant stars, it also can affect our circadian rhythms (sleep cycles).
Air pollution, water pollution, ground pollution, light pollution (interferes with observing the sky at night; is caused by unshielded artificial lights), and noise pollution.
heat pollution is caused by lots of things for example light bulbs !! They produce more heat pollution than light, also cars, factories, farms, etc.
Pollution is caused by carbon dioxide.
Secondary pollutants. Secondary pollutants are pollutants caused by man. Which consider smog, chemical pollution,ect.. Primary pollutants. primary pollutants are pollutants that are caused by nature. Volcano's eruptions etc. pollution can be caused in the air water sound and any where in the environment
Air and noise pollution is caused on Diwali. Water pollution is caused on Holi.
most pollution is caused by fuels,chemicals and etc.
light pollution is mainly caused by the glare of the city street lights. There is no way to prevent this from happening due to the fact that you can't stop the reflection of the lights on the street from reflecting back to the sky.
Noise pollution can caused a person "deaf".
pollution is caused by littering and by leaving rotton things around.
Pollution Degree 1: No pollution or only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs. The pollution has no effect. Pollution Degree 2: Normally only nonconductive pollution occurs. Temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected. Pollution Degree 3: Conductive pollution or dry nonconductive pollution that becomes conductive due to condensation occurs. To be found in industrial environment or construction sites (harsh environments). Pollution Degree 4: The pollution generates persistent conductivity caused by conductive dust, rain, or snow.
arsenic pollution
43% of the oil pollution taht happens is caused by humans.