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Biomass decreases

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Q: How is biomass effected in deforestation?
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Related questions

Where are the most worst cases of deforestation?

the thing which is effected greatly by deforestation is we, the humans.

How are Amazon tribes effected by deforestation?

the miners are cutting down there homes!

What is effected by deforestation?

Everyone in the world. We are effected because we'll have less oxygen. Some of the animals won't have real homes.

How many amnimal species are effected by deforestation?

24 thousand approx xx

What has the author R Flint Hughes written?

R. Flint Hughes has written: 'Effects of deforestation and land use on biomass, carbon, and nutrient pools in the Los Tuxtlas Region, Mexico' -- subject(s): Deforestation, Land use, Forest biomass

How was the environment of haiti effected after the earthquake?

The 2010 earthquake in Haiti had a catastrophic impact on the environment. It destroyed ecosystems, landscapes, and water sources, leading to soil erosion and increased vulnerability to natural disasters. Debris and waste from the earthquake also polluted the environment and posed significant health risks to the population.

Why should you use biomass?

Biomass is used to decrease the production and utilization of fossil fuels. Since biomass is consistent with-in the environment it's easy to use. The implementation of its usage in a worldwide scenario though causes the deforestation in many area's of the world and still releases harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

Why are scientists trying to stop the use of biomass fuel?

Scientists are concerned about the use of biomass fuel because burning organic materials like wood or crop waste can release greenhouse gases and contribute to deforestation. They are focusing on finding more sustainable alternatives to reduce the environmental impact of biomass fuel on climate change.

2 reasons why biomass energy is not good energy source?

Biomass energy can lead to deforestation and habitat destruction if not managed sustainably. Biomass energy production can release significant amounts of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, contributing to environmental degradation and air quality issues.

What is the major drawback to using only biomass or gasohol for energy?

One major drawback of using only biomass or gasohol for energy is the limited availability and sustainability of biomass resources. Dependence on these sources alone may lead to deforestation, food crop displacement, and competition for land use. Additionally, the energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness of biomass and gasohol production compared to other renewable energy sources can be a concern.

What impact can deforestation have on the biogeochemical cycle that operate on earth?

Well think of it this way would u be effected by gas and build up of gases so so will biogeochemical

Where is deforestation happening the most?

Deforestation is occurring most prominently in tropical regions such as the Amazon rainforest in South America, the Congo Basin in Africa, and Southeast Asia. These areas are experiencing high rates of deforestation primarily due to activities like agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development. Measures are being taken to combat deforestation in these regions through conservation efforts and sustainable land management practices.