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Technology affects society because it may help us it determines how much we deal with on daily basis in the work world and at home. Technology can be a good thing or a bad thing. Computers help organize important documents where as nuclear weapons and such other destructive forms of technology may harm or kill us all. Technology and how it affects society is all in the eye the beholder. Only you can really decide if, for you, technology is a good thing or bad thing.

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  • Mankind has had tools since the beginning of recorded history and that is all technology. We are a creature that can solve problems by creating physical solutions and that is in part what makes us different than most animals, though not all. What is disconcerting is that we have so many dependencies on technology and large systems that we can not repair or re-create easily.
  • Yes, we are becoming too dependent on technology. Most of us can't spell correctly. Why? Spell checking software. We have become lazy. Why? Transport facilities. Technology is not bad in itself, but we, the people of 21st century, are misusing it. We have became sedentary and as a result diseases which were unknown 200 years ago have now became commonplace.
  • No, we are not as a species too dependent upon technology as it stands today. As we have created the tools which led to technology, we have also learned why it is they will and are necessary - our memories fail us, so we need a record to correct us or to learn from or rewrite; what is upon a computer is not written in stone, it may be changed. This is a fluid way of thinking that was unknown to previous generations; a ever changing "evolution of thought". It is above all a neutral tool to communicate with those of our own country in with others, we need this in a world with a population in ever increasing billions.
  • People will always be needed and wanted for face to face interaction, but where that is not possible; technology preserves those ties and allows us to reach out for further aide.

    Spelling and language are ever changing fields; it is not unknown for the people of one country to speak many languages and still be citizens born of that society - yet not have a common tongue among them. Accents, even the words and slang can and will change within less then a generation. Technology is allowing us to "keep up" with those changes, understand them, and also creating new ones; also we know of disasters soon after they happen, if not as they happen; saving lives of people just like us; who while they might not have our culture or language, are none the less human.

    While there are new diseases, ask yourself if they are truly "new" or something that past generations struggled to survive against and communicate to rid ourselves and others of; and failed, because they did not have the technology we are developing now to understand how a disease works and how to rid ourselves.

  • Definitely - another reason for it is that people are using it to say bad things so that they don't have to say it to the person's face, like cyber-bullying for example.
  • Yes mostly, but still there are those who have very minor traces of technology dependency. Despite we can observe of the people in urban areas where technology is the "life blood" of very living entity, some corner of the country - the rural/remote areas, on the other hand, have no or very slight technology ran lives.They still live in a primitively where there are no computers, cellphones, etc., and where they work with bare hands and bare feet. Technology is now rising, making our lives lot more easy, but what about the "behind the world"?
  • Yes! The one day our school power went out we could barely do any work because our Smartboard went out with the power. I mean even right now we are on the computer looking for answers instead of figuring out ourselves. So what happens when we run out of coal and oil and all this stuff: no more technology! We will have to do without it. Some people will do perfectly well without it. Others will search until death to find another resource. Sadly the people who search until death will have just wasted their whole life on something impossible. Possibly if someone does it won't last long. It's only one resource. If someone plans that I hearby advise against it! Now get off the computer and do something without technology!
  • First thing - is it electrical technology you're on about, or technology in general? We use general technology 24/7. We use products of that technology 24/7. We also use electrical tech 24/7. We have become dependant on it, yes. It has made us dumb, lazy, it has changed us a lot. But from a simple power cut, like with the thing above, that kind of thing should not happen. That is over-dependance even by modern standards, probably. We have integrated all kinds of technology into every second of lives. But it's not bad. It's just the way some use it that's bad. Don't know how to spell because of spell-checking? Too bad, mate, that's your fault. Should learn to spell without it. I can spell without it. I can spell really well without it. Why can't you? (Not to say YOU can't spell... but who knows?)

    The main problem from it, though, is probably laziness. Why walk when you can hop in the car? Why play football, or rugby, or Badminton outside when you can play Red Dead Redemption, or watch the Undead Nightmare story on YouTube? But I play outside. And get plenty of time to play PS3 and watch stuff on Youtube. And type stuff up on Wikianswers while I should be doing my maths (eek!). Why set up that whole Geography paper from scratch when you can copy-paste from the net? I can. I get information from the net, but I do the paper myself. Why can't you? It's not the technology that's bad, it's the way it's used. God knows how many times I've said that now.

  • People nowadays are fat and lazy. Boys do not know to swing an axe or harness a team of horses. Girls cannot carry two buckets of water or wash clothes without a washer. Women do not know how to spin thread or weave cloth and they can not sew a fine seam without a sewing machine. People have forgotten how to cut wheat with a sickle and corn-picking has become a lost skill. Books were a lot prettier before they started printing them. Doctors can't tell what is wrong with you without X-rays, CT scans or lab work. If men with shovels were used to build roads instead of heavy equipment, there would be no shortage of jobs.
  • I would say, yes. I mean, people are always texting, on the computer, or watching TV to have real and personal conversations with people. Some people can't even survive without their cell phones or their iPods/laptops, which is kind of sad if you ask me. However, technology has helped us understand life better, connect with people you haven't talked to in years, find cures and vaccines for deadly diseases, and ultimately change the world. It's how you use technology...don't overuse it and use it correctly. I think it is important that we have technology in our lives today or else there would be many more lives lost, and much information lost to us. As for the answer before mine...not all of us are in the country with horses and hay!
  • Not all people are this dependent. Most people are fooled by thinking they need the newest and the best. Do you really think that you need a phone that can turn your lights of 100 miles away? Of course you don't! Do you need one that lets you watch videos of people falling? NO! I would say 70% of the human race IS too dependent, but the 30% of us that isn't is probably the smartest.

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8y ago

To a large extent society does depend on technology of all kinds.

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How technology affected society?

Technology affects society because it may help us it determines how much we deal with on daily basis in the work world and at home. Technology can be a good thing or a bad thing. Computers help organize important documents where as nuclear weapons and such other destructive forms of technology may harm or kill us all. Technology and how it affects society is all in the eye the beholder. Only you can really decide if, for you, technology is a good thing or bad thing.

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