Technology affects society because it may help us it determines how much we deal with on daily basis in the work world and at home. Technology can be a good thing or a bad thing. Computers help organize important documents where as nuclear weapons and such other destructive forms of technology may harm or kill us all. Technology and how it affects society is all in the eye the beholder. Only you can really decide if, for you, technology is a good thing or bad thing.
Spelling and language are ever changing fields; it is not unknown for the people of one country to speak many languages and still be citizens born of that society - yet not have a common tongue among them. Accents, even the words and slang can and will change within less then a generation. Technology is allowing us to "keep up" with those changes, understand them, and also creating new ones; also we know of disasters soon after they happen, if not as they happen; saving lives of people just like us; who while they might not have our culture or language, are none the less human.
While there are new diseases, ask yourself if they are truly "new" or something that past generations struggled to survive against and communicate to rid ourselves and others of; and failed, because they did not have the technology we are developing now to understand how a disease works and how to rid ourselves.
The main problem from it, though, is probably laziness. Why walk when you can hop in the car? Why play football, or rugby, or Badminton outside when you can play Red Dead Redemption, or watch the Undead Nightmare story on YouTube? But I play outside. And get plenty of time to play PS3 and watch stuff on Youtube. And type stuff up on Wikianswers while I should be doing my maths (eek!). Why set up that whole Geography paper from scratch when you can copy-paste from the net? I can. I get information from the net, but I do the paper myself. Why can't you? It's not the technology that's bad, it's the way it's used. God knows how many times I've said that now.
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Music is more affected by developments in technology than by developments in society because technology changes the musical instruments and their processing. Society develops slowly and technology develops quickly. Technology allows the music to be shared rapidly which then affects society.
it has affected it by giving us a new generation of technology and now that we mostly use computers everything is much easier.
it has affected it by giving us a new generation of technology and now that we mostly use computers everything is much easier.
it determines how much we deal with on daily basis in work world and at home
They now use technology to send astronauts to outer space & the Earth.
Technology affects society because it may help us it determines how much we deal with on daily basis in the work world and at home. Technology can be a good thing or a bad thing. Computers help organize important documents where as nuclear weapons and such other destructive forms of technology may harm or kill us all. Technology and how it affects society is all in the eye the beholder. Only you can really decide if, for you, technology is a good thing or bad thing.
identifybsome groups of people who have been affected by communitions technology and how they have been affectyed.
chocolate has affected society in many ways, for example many people for many years have been buying chocolate so the economy has been booming.
technology helps us in life to learn about society.
Colleges have not been affectes by technology. Technology is the reason people still go to school. Computers are used to do published SA's or do research on a topic. Also i know what you mean by "technology" but be more specific technology can be anything such as an eraser,pencil,pen,or even scissors
has a washing machine changed of affected society?