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A renewable resource is replaced instantaneously, in most cases. Sunlight shines constantly, at least during daylight hours, no matter how much of it we use to generate electricity on our roofs. Wind blows as long as there are pressure differences around the world. Other renewable energy sources are the same (hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal and others).

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Q: How fast is a renewable resource replaced?
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A resource that can be replaced is called?

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Define renewable resource and non-renewable resource?

Well, a renewable resource is something that you can renew over time. A nonrenewable resource is something that cannot be replaced. :) B)

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What is it called when resource's that can be used and replaced in nature?

The resource is said to be renewable.

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Yes. If you can replace it as fast as you can use it, then yes, it is a renewable resource.

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A material that can be replaced after it is used is called a renewable resource. Examples include wood, solar energy, and wind energy.

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A renewable resource is one which will be replaced after it is used. Wind energy is renewable because the wind will return tomorrow. Trees are renewable if you plant them again. So, fruit trees are a renewable resource.

Is a renewable resource one that cannot be replaced?

No, a renewable resource is a resource that can be replenished naturally within a short period of time, such as sunlight, wind, and forests. These resources are not depleted when used, making them a sustainable option for energy and materials.