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evaporation it is caused by sun light that's why the ocean never over flows

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Q: How does water get into the air as a gas?
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What is water vapor in air?

Water vapor in the air is water in the form of a gas.

What is water vapor in the air?

Water vapor in the air is water in the form of a gas.

What is the diffrence between air and water?

Air is a gas and water is a liquid.

Does water vapor in the air become gas?

water vapor is a gas its self

Can you make water by burning hydrogen gas in air?

Yes. Burning hydrogen gas in air produces water vapor.

What is the name for the water gas in the air?

Water vapour.

Is a water vapor a solid liquid or gas?

Water vapor is a gas. It is the gaseous phase of water when it evaporates into the air.

is the rainbow gas?

its heat water and light and air no gas

What do you call water when it turns into gas and goes into the air?

When water turns into a gas and goes into the air, it is called water vapor. This process is known as evaporation.

What can evaporated water do to the air it is evaporated in to?

Evaporated water is a gas.

When water boils it enters the air as what the gas form of water?

Water vapour

When water boils it enters the air as what gas form of water?

Water vapour