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Because when a girl farts in your mouth, its one of the best feelings ever experienced

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Q: How does the plants get rid of gaseous waste?
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What are the Types of gaseous waste?

Type of gaseous waste

How do living things get rid of waste?

Living thing can get rid of waste like plants get rid of waste by putting their waste in their leaves and animal has three excretory organ from which they get rid of waste. Name of organ are Kidney Lungs Skin

How does the body get rid of gaseous waste?

The body gets rid of gaseous waste primarily through exhalation. When we breathe out, we release carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration. Inhaled gases like oxygen are also exchanged in the lungs through a process called gas exchange.

Which system removes gaseous waste?

The respiratory system removes gaseous waste such as carbon dioxide from the body. This waste is eliminated when we exhale.

What is a gaseous material that is exhaled from lungs as waste?

The body gets rid of several waste products from the lungs. And in fact, exhalation is the primary route of removal for some "xenobiotics" (materials that are not supposed to be in the body). Carbon dioxide

How are wastes eliminated for plants?

Plants eliminate waste through processes such as respiration, excretion, and leaf fall. Respiration produces carbon dioxide as a waste product, which is released into the atmosphere. Excretion of unused materials can occur through root exudates or shedding of roots. Additionally, plants shed leaves and other parts as a way to get rid of waste materials.

How do plants give off waste?

Plants give off waste as a products through photosynthesis. These wastes include but are not limited to oxygen the gas.

The gaseous by-product oxygen is produced during?

The gaseous by-product oxygen is produced during the process of photosynthesis in plants. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Oxygen is released as a waste product into the atmosphere.

How do plant cells get rid of wastes?

Plant cells get rid of waste through a process called exocytosis, in which waste materials are packaged into vesicles and released outside the cell. Plants also have specialized cells called vacuoles that store waste products until they can be safely broken down or eliminated. Some waste products are also eliminated through diffusion into the surrounding environment.

How does a paramecia get rid of waste?

the paramecia gets rid of waste by a process called exocytsis

How do bisons rid of waste?

They rid of waste just like you do: they defecate, urinate and sweat.

Do spiders get rid of waste products and how often?

Yes they do get rid of waste products when they are in there webs.