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The theory goes that any three atom gas is capable of retaining more energy, thus warming the atmosphere. In the real world, we have yet to see this occur. Carbon dioxide levels have always followed temperature by up to 800 years. EVERY cooling period to date, according to glacial records, has occurred during times of CO2 levels in excess of 300 ppm. Every warming period, including this one (which started 10,200 years ago) has occurred in low CO2 periods.

In practice, CO2 will follow temperature. The temperature has steadied the past few decades, so we should see CO2 levels start falling in a few hundred years.

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Q: How does the increase in carbon dioxide result in an icrease in earth temputer?
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What is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the biggest contributor to?

An increase in the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide is the biggest contributor to global warming.

What incresses carbon dioxide?

When we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Also, it will increase when the plants and trees are being cut down because when this happens, there will be nothing to absorb carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide continues to increase, global warming will also worsen.

What is an increase in the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide is the biggest contributor?

An increase in the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide is the biggest contributor to global warming.

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During inhalation, the levels of oxygen in the body increase as oxygen is taken in from the air. During exhalation, the levels of carbon dioxide in the body increase as carbon dioxide is expelled from the lungs.

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Yes, clearing a forest releases the carbon stored in trees and soil back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, thus contributing to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

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Any increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide contributes to global climate change.

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Not burning carbon compounds.

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An increase in the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide is the biggest contributor to global warming.

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Respiration :)