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Q: How does the greenhouse gases affect the air quality?
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How does atomospheric composition affect air temperature?

While the specifics of this are controversial, the generally held beliefs are that greenhouse gases cause air temperature to rise. The primary greenhouse gases in earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. For an extreme view of how greenhouse gases can affect temperature, do some research on Venus where greenhouse gases and the proximity to the sun have turned the planet into a furnace

How does decomposition affect the atmosphere?

Decomposition releases carbon dioxide and methane gases into the atmosphere, which are greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Additionally, the decomposition process can release other pollutants and odorous compounds, impacting air quality.

How do plants affect the quality of air?

Plants absorb the harmful gases produced in the air

How is the climate affected by the greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases can be very hot, so once they get out into the air, the climate gets hotter.

How does fossil fuels affects the air?

Fossil fuels affect the air by increasing the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As they are burned, the gases they give off slowly increase the atmospheric temperature and cause greater heat retention.

What is the largest form of air pollution?

carbon/greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases are obviously lighter than air How then are they measured by weight How does one weigh something that is lighter than air?

Greenhouse gases are typically measured in terms of concentration (parts per million or ppm) rather than weight. This is done by capturing a sample of air and determining the proportion of greenhouse gases present. The concentration of greenhouse gases can then be used to calculate the total weight of these gases in the sample air volume.

A volcanic eruption can affect the atmosphere by?

releasing ash, gases, and particles that can contribute to air pollution and affect air quality. Sulfur dioxide and ash can also lead to the formation of volcanic smog (vog), which can have health impacts on humans and animals. Additionally, volcanic eruptions can release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which can contribute to climate change over time.

What gases do aluminum smelting plants emmit into the air?

Aluminum smelting plants emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), as well as particulate matter and volatile organic compounds. These emissions can contribute to air pollution and impact local air quality.

What are the air pollutants that affects your atmosphere?

there are many pollutants. These are greenhouse gases.

What would happen if the amount of greenhouse gases were reduced?

If the amount of greenhouse gases were reduced, it would lead to a decrease in the Earth's overall temperature, slowing down global warming and potentially mitigating the impacts of climate change. This reduction could also improve air quality and decrease the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.

Effect of air pollution on ozone layer depression?

Air pollution is due to greenhouse gases. These gases also cause ozone depletion.