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the impact solar energy gives off to the people is the solar energy

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Q: How does solar energy impact society?
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Is the effect of solar energy the same thing as its impact?

No solar energy can be useful. But a solar impact, a super nova, could destroy the entire earth, all life as we know it, for thousands of years. Have a nice life.. Jim.........................................

What is the impact of people using solar energy?

Solar energy is a renewable energy source, using it, we release less co2 into the atmosphere, thus stopping global warming. (solar powe is good)

How does solar energy impact trees?

All plants - and this includes trees - cover their energy needs with sunlight.

What type of impact on society does a solar cell have?

it has light sun species and other types of animals

What is a description of solar energy?

Solar energy is a renewable energy source derived from the sun's radiation. It is harnessed through the use of solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity or heat for various applications. Solar energy is considered sustainable and environmentally friendly due to its abundant availability and minimal impact on the environment.

How does society use solar?

Society uses solar energy by installing solar panels on rooftops or in solar farms to generate electricity for homes, businesses, and institutions. Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source that helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, solar energy can be used for heating water, powering outdoor lighting, and charging electronic devices.

Why should solar energy be used?

It is a permanent source and its 'harvesting' has nearly no environmental impact.

Can solar energy run out?

In theory, solar energy will be available for billions of years, as long as the sun exists. However, factors like atmospheric conditions and natural disasters may temporarily impact the availability of solar energy in specific locations.

Are clouds an energy source?

Clouds are not an energy source themselves, but they can affect the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface by reflecting, absorbing, and scattering sunlight. This can impact the overall availability of solar energy for technologies like solar panels.

Why is solar energy environmentally safe?

There is not any side effect of solar energy on environment. In real terms no energy is without some environmental impact. Solar energy requires solar cells or some conversion panel to use the energy in some needed or desired form. These units take energy to create. This pollution is ignored as once made, no further pollution is created.

What are apparent environmental impacts associated with solar energy?

Solar power does not affect the environment, contrary to other power systems. So by not affecting the environment it improves it, because all other alternatives have certain types of impact (green or not). After solar, wind power is probably the one with the least impact. Smaller hydroelectric can be made to have low impact but big projects usually have some sort of impact.