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When they eat it goes down and ether clogs there throat or scratches there arteries! so think next time you throw trash in the water!

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Q: How does pollution affect sharks?
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How does pollution affect hammerhead sharks?

Pollution affects hammerhead sharks in a negative way. Oil spills and fishing nets have greatly affected the sharks, putting them near an endangered species list.

Does pollution kill sharks?

Because the TIGER SHARK is used to eating fish and when it eats plastic bags, cans and so on it does harm to there bodies. With oil spills Tiger sharks can get stuck in the middle of them and will eventually die! that is what effects the sharks with pollution! :)

Would pollution affect sharks ability to breathe?

When sharks breathe they use gills, but the gills do not take in water the extract a type of oxygen and if the water gets filled with oil or other unnatural substances than the shark will die.

Do you affect bull sharks with pollution?

Yes because if an oil spill broke out then there food would die or they could eat something like a plastic bag or can and that is harmful to there bodies

How pollution from one location can affect the environment far away from the source of the pollution?

How pollution from one location can affect the environment far away from the source of pollution

How do you affect the weather?

We affect the earth by pollution

What are the factor that affect the Ecology?

Factors that affect the environment include, but are not limited to, toxic pollution, visual pollution, noise pollution, and traffic congestion.

Does walking affect pollution?


How many sharks die each year from water pollution?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of sharks that die each year from water pollution as data is limited and varies. However, water pollution negatively impacts shark populations through habitat destruction, poisoning, and disrupting ecosystems that are vital for their survival. Efforts to reduce water pollution are crucial in protecting sharks and other marine life.

What reasons do CFC's affect local and global pollution?

CFC's contain chlorine and fluorine. They affect local and global pollution.

In what ways do humans affect ecosystems?

we affect the ecosystem by pollution

How does pollution affect ducks?

Pollution can harm ducks by contaminating their water sources and food supply, leading to health problems and reduced reproductive success. It can also damage their habitats, such as wetlands, which are crucial for their survival. Additionally, pollution can directly impact ducks by causing physical harm or disrupting their natural behaviors.