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It makes people feel, upset, depressed, sad, angry, mad, and scared. If you have been bullied, tell an adult and don't be aggressive. Try and walk away. It makes people feel happy that bullies are giving them attention and they feel the best and feel so good. If a bully teases you say I am so happy you're teasing me bully because it makes you so cool. Sarcastically speaking, of course.

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Q: How does physical bullying make the victim feel?
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Can bullying contain killing?

No, absolutely not. Bullying is making someone else feel bad and mabey beat them up but its mostly to make the bully feel good.Answer #2There have been many cases of bullying that have resulted in one or more killings. Usually the victim of the bullying is the one that dies when the bully goes to far in his abuse and unintentionally kills his target; however some cases bullying have ended with he bully intentionally murdering his victim. There have also have been case of victims of bullying who murder the person or people bullying them.

How can being a victim of bullying affect a person psychologically?

It could cause depression, do drugs, make them feel unappreciated, do things they aren't used to be doing.

What can bullying do to a person?

Bullying can cause the victim to feel depressed. Depression can make the victim feel like they hate there life. So that can cause them to feel the need to comit suicide when all they should really do is stick or else they can go to somebody or even move schools instead of suicide. P.S suicide is kill yourself in case you didn't know.

Why is bullying bad for us?

It takes away from the victim certain things that make them human beings.Or in simpler terms: bullying is dehumanizing!

What are the main types of bullying?

Cyber bullying verbal bullying physical bullying or verbal physical and gang bullying gang bullying is a group bullying a single person all together therefore gang (grouped up) bullying hurts and scars even more

What can you do to ensure your kid is not a victim of bullying and not marginalized?

There's no guaranteed way to ensure that your child won't become a victim to bullying at some time or another. But you CAN teach them practical ways of dealing with it, teach them to stand up for themselves. Make sure the relationship you have with your child is comfortable enough for them to feel safe with talking with you. Hope this helped (: -HayleyHypnotiq ;D

What do you do when your mom and dad are both bullying you?

You need to tell your siblings that they are acting childish and only caring about themselves. If they don't act like they love you and pick on you all the time talk to them and tell them how you feel. If that doesn't work, just ignore them.

What are the impacts that cyber bullying has on bystanders?

It can make by-standers feel guilty of not helping the victim. Also it makes them feel confused since they are normally friends with the perpretator but they kow what they are doing is wrong. They nomally feel sorry and experience empathy and sympathy for people who are getting bullied.

Why does bullying make people ashamed?

Bullying has many of the same dynamics as sexual assault. The victim is robbed of their power and control of their situations. As a defense mechanism, they may blame themselves, perhaps as a means to not feel as powerless. If something is your fault, then you can fix it, and thus you have power. But if you have power to do right by yourself and you don't, then shame would be a reasonable emotion. So victims of bullying feel shame because on at least some level, they blame themselves when it is not their fault.

What is relationship bullying?

it is the same as normall bullying. degrading someone or hurting them to be mean or feel some kind of power over them.however in normal bullying the bully is NT in a relationship with the person being bullyed so they do not have the same resources or amo as the person n the relationship.

What does bullying involve?

anyhting that someone does to make another person feel bad. sexual, verbal, physical or cyber- it is all unacceptable. don't be afraid- the bullies are pathetic

How not to become a bully?

you have to stay strong and avoid hanging around with bullies. peer pressure can make you go along with bullying if you are not strong enough to block it out and stand up for the victim. bullying sux