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The greatest harm to fish from nuclear power, in terms of the numbers of fish killed so far, has been due to thermal pollution. The nuclear power produced at plants is only about 35% turned into electrical power. The remainder is called waste heat. When rivers, lakes, or the sea are heated up, it can kill fish. In some cases this has a profound effect on the species in the water.

Nuclear power plants have lost radioactive materials into large bodies of water, harming sea and land life. Possibly the worst such event involved loss of material from the Sellafield plant in the U. K. into the Irish Sea.

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Q: How does nuclear power harm fish?
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For one, Nuclear power can harm aquatic life, harm humans with enough radiation, destroy drinking water, and harm the air.

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Several countries operate commercial nuclear reactors, including the United States, France, China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and Canada. Each country has its own regulatory body overseeing the operation of these reactors to ensure safety and compliance with international standards.

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Nuclear power is best used to generate electricity in countries seeking clean, baseload energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Proper safety measures and strict regulatory oversight are essential to mitigate risks associated with nuclear power. It is important to locate nuclear power plants away from densely populated areas to minimize potential harm in case of accidents.

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Nuclear power plants contribute to thermal pollution by releasing heated water back into the environment after being used to cool their systems. This heated water can raise the temperature of the receiving water body, which can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and harm aquatic life.

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by nuclear power ¬.¬

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Nuclear reactors can be harmful if not managed properly, such as in the case of accidents or leaks. However, when operated safely and within regulatory guidelines, nuclear reactors provide clean energy and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Strict safety measures and regulations are in place to minimize risks associated with nuclear power generation.

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Nuclear power is produced through two processes: Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion.

What thing will harm the river?

fish harm rivers and we do by dumping our rubbish in them