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Q: How does nonrenewable form?
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Is coal a renewable resourceand why?

Coal is a nonrenewable resource. It is nonrenewable because it takes millions of years to form.

What makes a nonrenewable resources?

It takes millions of years to form.

Resources are classified as renewable or nonrenewable according to the .?

time needed to form them

What is a nonrenewable resourse?

A nonrenewable resource is a resource that cannot be produced nearly fast enough to replace what is used. for example: oil is a nonrenewable resource because it takes thousands- even millions- of years to form underground.

Is bauxite renewable or nonrenewable?

Bauxite is a nonrenewable resource because it is a finite mineral ore that takes millions of years to form through the weathering of rocks containing aluminum minerals. Once bauxite is mined and used to produce aluminum, it is no longer available for future use.

Is anthracite a nonrenewable source of energy?

Yes, all forms of coal (anthracite is just the most clean burning form) are fossil fuels and thus nonrenewable.

Why are fuel a nonrenewable resources?

Fossil fuels take millions of years to form.

How is oil a nonrenewable source?

because it takes hundreds of millions of years to form.

Are diamonds nonrenewable or renewable?

there renewable is just takes along time for them to form.

Is coal renewable or non?

It is nonrenewable because it takes millions of years to form.

Is gravel a nonrenewable resource?

no gravel can always be broken down and made into new things and it isn't melted easily

Is gold renewable or nonrenewable?

Gold is considered a nonrenewable resource because it is finite and takes millions of years to form through geological processes. Once gold is mined and extracted, it cannot be replenished at the same rate it is consumed.