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Light pollution does not affect astronauts, it affects astronomers.

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Q: How does light pollution harm astronauts?
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Who discovered light pollution?


Can pollution harm the world?

The world is pollution free.

How many types of pollution are there?

Some forms of pollution areAir pollutionwater pollutionsoil pollutionnoise pollutionlight pollution

What does pollution harm?

Pollution doesn't just harm one thing. Pollution harms every living organism in one way or another. Pollution can cause cancer and mutations.

What affects land pollution?

land pollution can provide harm to our environment.

What could harm the ocean?


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How pollution can harm the water cycle?

Well, anything can harm it such as pollution, acid rain, and floods and droughts. In addition these things can also harm it too such as yo face and.. yo butcrack

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How does tourism harm the environment?

pollution can make it bad

Why is it that air pollution harms humans?

air pollution can harm humans by the leathel toxens in it it can also kill animals and create water pollution

What affects land?

land pollution can provide harm to our environment.