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they will die

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Q: How does light affect ants?
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How do ants affect people?

ants affect people by biting them in any where of the body

Temperature affect an ants digging rate?

no ants will eat your sol.

Do ants prefer sunlight then darkness?

because they are frightened and dont know where they are or what there doing almost like humans

How do you kill flying ants?

Flying ants are attracted to light. I've tried this method before at home. Seeing flying ants fly underneath your white light? Try this! Pour some water (any temperature) into a dish. Place the dish underneath your white light. Because the water reflects the light, the stupid flying ants will fly down, thinking that it's another white light. I'd suggest to take another white light and put it near the dish of water, off the light installed on the ceiling of your wall and enjoy the violence...

How many ants does it take to skrew a light bulb?

Zero. Ants can't screw in light bulbs. as many as you think it takes. _____________________________________________________________________ Just 2, its getting in there that's the hard part

Can fire ants kill worms?

Definitely. Fire ants in numbers can kill humans. Ants are usually gatherers but if something threatens them they will amass on the threat and light it up with the acid that they inject with their bite.

What effect does light have on ants?

Light can have a variety of effects on ants, depending on the species and situation. Some ants may be attracted to light sources, while others may avoid them. Additionally, exposure to certain types of light, such as ultraviolet light, can disrupt ants' navigation and foraging behavior. Overall, light can influence ant activity and movement patterns.

How does ants affect human life?

Ants help break down matter. They also cause humans problems, such as mounds in the lawn and infestations within people's homes.

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Do ants like the dark or the light?

Ants prefer darkness over light. They are more active during the night and tend to avoid well-lit areas during the day. This behavior is believed to be a way for them to protect themselves from predators and extreme temperatures.

What other animals besides a firefly make there own light?

There are fireflies... and ants.. and bears