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Vehicles with engnes must have fuel that is combustible. When combustion occurs, heat is generated with burning of the fuel. This reaction ceates vapors that have chemicals (pollultants.) These pollulants are released into the air causing air pollution.

Agreed. Specifically unburnt hydrocarbons, CxHy, CO, NOx, CO2, and solid particulate matter, or soot, especially from diesel engines. We have come a long way since the 1960's when there were no emissions laws and the air in the Los Angeles basin is 80% cleaner today than it was in 1965. So all the whining and complaining folks do about "smog checks" is just too bad, the emissions laws have saved many lives, not to mention you can now see a mountain 30 miles away that in 1965 was not visible due to smog.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The major problem is they add heat, CO2, carbon monoxide and other pollutants to the air, adding to the global warming problem and air pollution generally. Making and driving them uses up energy stocks, especially petroleum, and not all of cars can be recycled at the end of their useful life (although this is improving) Of course, they require paved roads, which covers up a lot of potentially useful farmland, and in northern climates the salting of roads kills roadside plants and other species. Also, the asbestos or metallic dust from brake linings and pads isn't great.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the gas that cars produce from burning diesel and petrol is not good for the environment. it pollutes the air.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

vehicles put CO2 into the atmosphere, which will cause the o-zone layer to break down as time goes on.

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Q: How does driving cars affect the environment?
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this means that transportation is one of the cause that pollutes the environment because vehicles like cars produce smoke that can affect our environment.

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Early cars produced more pollution (per car)than cars today, but people didn't drive as much and there weren't as many cars on the road as compared to today.

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It depends on the kind of driving and the environment you are driving in. If you are going to be doing strictly city driving or strictly highway driving or a combination. Different vehicles will have different mpg in town and on highway driving situations.

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The demand for gasoline would go down.

How do cars affect the environment?

The amount of pollution a car spreads in the environment is directly proportional to how badly it has been taken care of. Always buy the highest quality of car, especially if it is a used car. Always buy your cars from a well known platform like SoloAutos etc for the highest quality cars.

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TTC is better because its better then 20 people in 1 vehicle then 20 cars driving down the roads, which the fuel kills ozone layer

What effect do people have on their environment in Australia?

People pollute by driving, cars emissions from the engine have a harmful affect on the society. Also cutting down trees have a ripple affect. It takes away animals homes which could lead to extinction. There are many others as well. Mining can also affect the environment.