

Best Answer

> What are the social impacts of cloning animals

None so far.

The idea that a prize racehorse or milk cow or steer can be cloned hasn't had much of an impact.

Cat and dog cloning are too expensive to be of much impact.

...and cloning leopard frogs? Hey, most people don't even know about that.

Nobody really knows if cloning could affect our society but, we may never know and it could have been underneath our noses the whole entire time!

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Q: How does cloning affect society?
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If cloning becomes a reality how will it affect the future of socirty?

Cloning will affect how we think about humanity, and will also affect daily life in countless ways.

How does cloning affect us in a bad way?

Cloning raises ethical concerns related to the manipulation of life, the potential for creating "designer" babies, and the lack of genetic diversity. Additionally, there are risks of unforeseen health issues and uncertainties surrounding the long-term effects on society and ecosystems.

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Cloning can have mixed effects on cows. While it can help in propagating valuable genes and traits, it may also be associated with health issues and abnormalities in the cloned cows. Additionally, the process of cloning can be stressful for the animals involved.

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It includes ethical and moral issues about cloning and the effect of this in society.

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The morality of cloning is subjective and depends on individual beliefs and values. Some people believe cloning raises ethical concerns related to identity, autonomy, and potential harm to the cloned individual. Others view cloning as a valuable scientific tool with the potential to benefit society.

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