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The carbon dioxide in the car creates pollution and it will brake free from the car and into the air. when it rains, the pollution will mix with the rain. Then, when the rain falls, it falls into the lakes, oceans and rivers. There for it's polluting the water.

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Q: How does car pollution affect oceans?
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AIr polution does affect pH in the oceans so it would in pools as wel to a very small extent.

What can affect the Earth's oceans?

There are many ways, but the main reason is pollution.

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Air pollution from car exhausts and smoke. Water pollution from all the litter.

How are oceans changing?

By Pollution.

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How could the pollution in the earth's oceans harm human beings on land?

Pollution in the Earth's oceans can harm human beings on land by contaminating seafood that we consume, leading to health issues. It can also affect air quality when pollutants are released into the atmosphere from the ocean. Additionally, polluted oceans can impact weather patterns and contribute to extreme weather events that can endanger people on land.

How is pollution affecting oceans?

it can kill animals

Where are oceans most seriously affected by pollution?

Any oceans can hold pollution. It is mostly located in ore shallow waters but can flow out into deeper waters.

Is water pollution an atmospheric pollution?

No, water pollution is in our rivers and oceans, atmospheric pollution is gas and other contaminants up in the air.

How does pollution in oceans affect humans and human health?

people that fish for a living will be devastatedand things that our technology cant filter in the water can end up in our bath water or stomachs.

What are the three ways humans affect earth systems?

Three big ones are:Global climate changePlastic, chemical, sewage and other pollution in oceans and fresh waterDepletion of fish stocks and forests by unsustainable use