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First realize that you are probably not going to get anywhere with them. Sometimes we have to settle for just being a friend without benefits. Assuming they know you are gay, you can probably just tell them as long as they don't feel threatened. Something like. It's too bad your not gay, I think you're real cute. Push too hard and they will run. Be easy about it, assure them you know they don't feel the same way and on occasion one will surprise you.

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13y ago

They shouldn't.

There are plenty of gay people in the world that can return a gay person's interest so a gay person asking a straight person to be interested is simply spinning their wheels and wasting time. Consider any straight person as someone who has already firmly said, "Sorry, but I'm not interested in you."

If you are asking this, you may be a young person who doesn't know how to meet other gay people your age. This is simply a tough time for gay people, but it does get better! When you turn 18, there are whole gay neighborhoods in large cities and clubs, discos, coffee shops, churches, events. . . there are all kinds of ways to meet gay people.

Bide your time and don't bother other kids who can't make themselves interested in you any more than you could make yourself interested in the opposite sex.

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ALCOHOL!Another answer.You can't! If he is only attracted to women, then there isn't anything you can do about it. You must respect his sexual preferences.

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Just be straight up

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You should decide if you really do like her first; and I'm not saying that you shouldn't tell her, but consider your boyfriends too, if anything does happen.

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come straight out and tell her- if shes a real friend she will understand. i agree just tell her

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You know you are gay if you have sexual feelings for people of the same gender. If you are gay, and you are attracted to a straight friend, you need to move on. You are only setting yourself up for heartache.

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because they know that you're straight, and I'm guessing they're straight. they are attracted to you, or they just like you as a person and they are your friend so, they hang around you.

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You tell her and then straight after you punch her unconcious.

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no tell your Indian friend straight out that you like him.