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Just be honest and let her know you feel more comfortable in girls clothing. You do have to be fair about this and understand that if you go out of the house this way, unfortunately, it will not be taken well by outsiders. There are alot of unisex clothing, not so much girls clothing. In other cultures, men wear wear dresses and skirts and not just for rituals and musical purposes. I saw a guy wear a cool pair of clogs the other day with a past the knee skirt, you could tell he was european, I thought it was cool and thought he was cool for making the statement, Im going to wear what I like. There is too much emphasis put on machoism in this country and daring to be different can make you an target. Just be careful

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17y ago
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15y ago

"Hi Mom, what's your favorite piece of clothing or outfit you like to wear??" Wah Wah WAH Wah. "Me too!" In reality it requires looking at her beliefs, your father's beliefs and what they accept. Would it be safe in your house to do so? Then pick a good time that there is little stress on her and get her someone private (out of the house is best), but if she's not open to GLBT issues it's best not to even bring it up even when you move out. Safety is the most important thing: if you will likely be kicked out for telling then for goodness sakes, don't tell. If you are accepted as who you are no matter what, then please open dialog with her; focus especially on that you want to stay a boy, you just want to be a boy that every so often wears girl's clothes.

This is a difficult question. I never told my mom. Maybe she knew, or suspected, but the subject was never discussed. I have told my girl friends with whom I was serious, and of course, I told my wife before we were married. In the cases of my significant others, I was straight forward about it. Before I broke the news, I made sure I had a pretty good idea that they would not freak out about it. And maybe some of the same principles can apply. First, I made sure they were pretty open minded people. Society as a whole is not widely accepting of people's differences - particularly as it relates to subjects of human sexuality. So ask yourself - is your mom an open minded and accepting individual? I have talked to numerous dressers and have read their stories about coming out to mom. You can imagine the spectrum has a very broad range. From fully accepting and embracing their son's crossdressing to sheer Horror and complete intolerance of the thought. Figure out where you mom is more likely to fit on this spectrum Second, remember that your mom loves you. While this is obviously a different sort of love than I had/have for my significant others, it still applies that those who truly love you are more likely to be accepting of your differences. And a mother's capacity to love their child is virtually endless regardless of who they are or how others may deem them. Third, be prepared to answer their questions. Depending on how much of a surprise this is to her, will likely determine the number and nature of the questions. The sorts of questions you can expect include: "are you gay?" "do you feel you are a girl inside or want to become a girl?" "is this a sexual thing for you?" "have you been doing this for a long time?" "have you been wearing my clothes?" There are plenty more, I'm sure. The point is to be very honest with her, even if the questions are difficult and embarrassing. If you feel you have a fair amount of knowledge on the subject of crossdressing, great - you are probably ready. If not, the internet is full of this sort of thing. Some answers to common questions... Most crossdressers are straight. The percentage of straight, bi, and gay men in our general society, mirrors those same percentages of the crossdressing community. This means that the desire to crossdress has no correlation to sexual orientation. There is nothing wrong with being bi or gay, it just has nothing to do with why someone enjoys crossdressing. Only you know if you are straight, bi or gay. So be honest when/if your mom asks. Crossdressers do not want to become women - if they did, they would be transsexuals. There is a big difference between a male that enjoys wearing women's clothing and feeling as though you are female born in a male's body. Here again - nothing wrong with being transsexual, but it is very different than being a crossdresser. Again, be honest with yourself and your mom. If you mom asks, tell her when you started to wear women's clothing. She will also likely ask if you have worn her clothes. This can be a very touchy subject as her clothing is a very personal thing. And while all crossdressers have tried on someone else's clothes, when it's done without their knowledge, it's a violation of their privacy. And let's be very honest here, once crossdresser is in his adolescent years, he is most likely going to masturbate while dressed in women's attire. Imagine what goes through a mom's mind thinking of her son masturbating and cumming into her pantyhose. It's no small wonder why some moms can get so offended by the crossdressing concept. Again, just answer her questions truthfully. Other things to note. A transvestite is the same thing as a crossdresser. These are two terms with the exact same meaning - and don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. The term Crossdresser, however, has less of a negative connotation than the term Transvestite - at least from a societal perspective. Even if your mom is accepting, be prepared for her to establish limits to your crossdressing. While she may accept it, she may not want others to know about it, and you should respect those wishes while living under her roof. She probably won't want you to wear her clothes - at least the ones she is wearing actively. She may offer to buy you some things or give some of her old clothes. She may wonder "where she went wrong." No one really knows the underlying root cause of crossdressing (transvestism). It could be genetic, or it could be a societal/environmental thing. One fact that has been established is that if a male is the first born, he is 4 times more likely to crossdress than those who are not first born. Personally, I think telling her is the right thing to do. If I had it to do all over again, I think I would do the same. Unfortunately, the internet didn't exist when I was a teen, and I didn't realize what crossdressing really was. Society still has a long way to go to develop a sound understanding on the subject, but there is a lot of good information about transvestism available. If you have this conversation with your mom, it would also be a good idea to be able to point her to some websites with quality information. The content of these sites will back you up Good luck to you!!

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14y ago

This is a difficult one. I think you should find someone else to try this with

You should search the internet for what resources are local to you and inform yourself with as much information as possible. Also, it depends greatly on how good a relationship you have with your mother, how informed that she is on this subject, does she know of anyone who has a similar interest? Do a paper on tranvestism and ask her to proofread it, perhaps? Spend some time and have a support network either on-line or in RL to further expalin things to her.

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13y ago

It's OK. I like women's clothes as much as the next dude, but just come out and tell them. If they love you then they wont care. Clothing is clothing... but if your gay then its going to be a little harder to adjust to. To tell you the truth, there is nothing wrong with this. it's a common habit. I stole my Gf's panties a year ago and i refuse to give them back ;).

and sometimes i even wear them. Its like, i love my wii, and a lot of people think its for little kids. I love Cartoons, and I'm 18. so what, if you like them then that's all that matters. just don't let it get outa hand.

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13y ago

Sometimes it is better not too. But if you must then break it to her a little at a time. Tell her you like the feel of the material, then ask her if you could borrow some of her clothes to wear.

Or you can buy some of your own and put it in your drawers and let her find it. that will get her wondering about. and when she ask tell her.

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18y ago

You have to sit down and think as to why you want to wear your mother's panties. Is it the feel of the material or is it something else in your character that makes you do this. Once you have resolved this, then you are going to have to sit down with your mother and explain it to her. Make it clear that men that wear women's underwear or even dress in women's clothing in the privacy of their home are not always gay. That will be the first thought that springs to your mother's mind. I am not against gays at all, but no parents wants their child to be gay because they know the reprocussions society can have on gay people (it's getting better) and it simply scares the parent. It's best to be honest with your mom because one day she is going to find out. Shock will be her first reaction, but just keep talking to her and ask her to keep it between just the two of you. Moms can be great friends and they are pretty much in tune with other's feelings. I also suggest that you seek psychological counseling to be sure what and who you really are about. If a person is gay then they need to prepare themselves for this and always remain true to themselves, but if they aren't, it's also important to come to realize why you want to wear your mother's panties and then all is clear and you can go on as before. Good luck Marcy

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15y ago

If your a girl they probably already know. If your a boy, you should put on some of your mother's clothing and talk with your parents about your choice.

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