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Look I know it seems hopeless. I was there myself. I felt worthless, unloved, unwanted, and an outcast. I even thought of suicide once or twice. But killing yourself won't solve anything. I was wrong to think of suicide and so are you. Your life means something. Even if it's hard right now stick it out. One day it will be worth it. Instead of letting be your weakness let it be your strength. You'll be a better person than any of those who mistreat you. One day you will shine above them but you cannot give up. Once you give up they win. Don't let that happen. I can say this and know it's true because I was there and I knew others that were there too. There is hope and you can make it. And when that day comes when you become strong use that strength to help those that are still there. So that they don't have to face it alone.

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Q: How do you stop getting bullied in chat rooms?
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To tell you there's really no secret chat room, just secret places. P.S. stop cheating!

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Some people do not get bullied at home. Some people do not get bullied at school. If you are getting bullied at school, tell your teacher. If that does no good, tell your principal. If it is your parents who are bullying you at home, you should also tell someone in authority. There is no reason why anyone should get bullied. Ways exist to stop it. You must let someone know who is not part of the problem. If you tell that person and it does not stop, you must go to the principal. The second time should work. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

What happens if you see someone getting bullied and you don't do anything?

Unless you participate in the actual bullying then you shouldn't be blamed for being the bystander... However, if you werebeing bullied wouldn't you want someone to do something like stand up for you or tell someone about it who can make it stop?? (: