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you need to build stronger and double hulls

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13y ago

we can prevent oil spills by using less oil.hope this helps


1.Don't go mining for it in the first place

2.Have inspections

~Murr Murr

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Q: How do you prevent oil spill?
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How we prevent oil spill?

we can stop relying on oil

How can we prevent oil spill?

we can stop relying on oil

What would be the best consequence of an oil spill?

I can only think of one good consequence of an oil spill, which is that people might realize that they need to do more to prevent oil spills.

Why will many seabirds be killed when an oil spill takes place in an ocean?

Because the oil on their wings will prevent them from flying.

What can be done to prevent oil from washing up on shore?

dont spill it in the first place

When was the last oil spill?

the last oil spill was the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico

What is going on now with the oil spill?

nowadays the oil spill event is more and more, i think the united states should publilsh some laws to prevent from becoming more and more severe.

Will the BP oil spill prevent President Obama from seeking a second term in office?


Why do people drill for oil if it could cause an oil spill?

Prior to the BP oil spill, it was considered that the necessary precautions had been taken so there would be no oil spill. This has been proven wrong. The motivation for drilling for oil is to make money. Many oil wells similar to the one that caused the BP spill are drilled around the world. There is very active discussion of the causes with the industry and government, and how to prevent them in the future.

What do people do to prevent oil spills from happening and what does the government do when an oil spill occurs?

Put a lid on the container & the government doesnt do anything :)

What should the bp oil spill have done to prevent this?

The people who work on getting oil for our transportation they can check the oil everyday that this won't happen ever again!

What are the other names of BP oil spill?

The 'Deepwater Horizon oil spill', also called the 'BP Oil Spill', the 'Gulf of Mexico oil spill' or the 'Macondo blowout'... ---- Wikipedia