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Sulphur dioxide is made through factories and processed into thick black smoke which travels through the air. Then the sulphuric dioxide magically transforms into "Acid Rain".

The acid rain effects the Earth badly it destroys the trees, obviously we need trees to breathe because trees make the oxygen. Acid rain effects our health, our environment and the animals which we eat. When the acid rain kills the animals the acid rain is trapped in the animals and no one knows.

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Charlie Wallis

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Sulfur dioxide (or sulphur dioxide - if you use British spelling) is soluble in water where it can dissociate to form a relatively weak acidic solution by the reaction

SO2 + H2O HSO3− + H+

Further oxidation of SO2, usually in the presence of a catalyst such as NO2 forms H2SO4 - sulfuric acid - which is a very strong acid.

The only effective way to extract the SO2 is to remove it before goes into the atmosphere. Typically this is done by passing the air containing the SO2 through a "scrubbing" tower where it passes through a sprayed solution of water and calcium oxide, aka lime. The sulfur dioxide reacts with the lime by the reaction

CaO + SO2 → CaSO3.

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What is the substance that causes the acid rain?

Sulphur , in a form of sulphur dioxide or sulphur oxide , I think. Acid rain can be caused by either nitric oxide or sulfur dioxide in the air, which result from the burning of fossil fuels.

What is acid rain and its causes?

Causes of acid rain are as follows- 1. Sulphur Dioxide 2. Carbon dioxide 3. Smoke

Which gas is in acid rain?

Usually Carbon Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide (Sulfur Dioxide if you are American)

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When sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide reacts with rain water they produce sulphuric acid and nitric acid respectively, such rains are called acid rains.

Is sulphur dioxide the gas responsible for acid rain?

Yes and no, there is more to it

What does sulphur dioxide gas form when it goes into rainclouds?

Acid rain

What does acid rain stand for?

Acid rain is caused by pollution, this is when chemicals such as sulphur dioxide go into the atmosphere and are presipitated (Rained) back into the atmosphere as acid rain

Who is fault is acid rain?

Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and fuel emissions.

What are the 3 main gases in acid rain?

Carbon dioxide (forms carbonic acid) Sulphur dioxide (forms sulphuric acid) Nitrogen dioxide (forms nitric acid)

What are some of the areas threatened by acid rain?

statues and many buildings in areas close to cities, acid rain is not so common in the countryside as it is created by sulphur in fossil fuels and when the fuel is burnt it creates sulphur dioxide which is in aid rain there are not as many cars in the country side i.e. there's not as much sulphur dioxide meaning not as much acid rain.

Why can sulphur dioxide cause acid rain?

Basically, fuels from factories, cars, lorries, etc. are released into the atmosphere and when clouds form, the sulphur dioxide gets dissolved into the clouds. The rain then becomes polluted with sulphuric acid and thus becomes acid rain.

What is acid rain composed of?

Rain is naturally somewhat acidic (pH 5.5) due to carbon dioxide dissolved in the water. Problem acid rain also has dissolved sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which form sulphurous and nitrous acids.