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Plastic bags can be bad for the environment for many reasons, which include:

* they are not biodegradable, Instead, they break up into smaller pieces of plastic until eventually becoming plastics dusts.

* people may lose them causing them to blow around (litter)

* they are dangerous to small children

* animals that ingest them may become sick and / or die

* making them contribute to the global emissions.

* can end up at sea through garbage dumps at seaside

* Plastic degradation at sea takes between 45-1000 years.

* they are RECYCLABLE but people need to take them and reuse them or donate them to thrift stores to be reused versus throwing them away

* it takes oil to produce them and it takes more oil to recycle them than it does to produce

* Burning plastic results in air pollution and toxic ash.

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14y ago
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15y ago

whether in landfills or in the ocean, they do NOT decompose leading to some serious pollution.

(be professional) >:(

If you mean economy wise, the are bad bcuz they use petroleum products.


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13y ago

plastic bags are non biodegradable, if dumped in the soil they will reduce the soil fertility in many bad terms , animals like cows, goats choke and dye after swallowing them if burnt they release harmful gases like co,co2 they block the drainage lines therefore they will adversely affect our natural habitat and are considered as a nuisance and are harmful to the environment :-)

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13y ago

If the bags end up in the ocean, depending on the conditions they may be preserved for a very long time because sunlight cannot reach them to break apart the polymer chains that they are composed of. However, the tidal action of the ocean will eventually break the bags into smaller and smaller pieces to the point where they will be small enough to be ingested by animals, Turtles can mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. When the particles get small enough, even zooplankton will ingest them. Animals ingesting plastics can die because they are not able to "pass" the material. Another concern is that plastic particles act like sponges absorbing other toxins in the ocean like DDT. Increased toxin levels in animals could potentially alter evolution.

If they end up in a tropical zone of the ocean, they break apart much faster but they will leave behind a toxic compound called BPA.

Buried in landfills greatly extends the amount of time needed for them to break down, thousands of years perhaps.

If the sun is able to reach them, the bags become brittle and break apart but don't really go away, they just become smaller pieces.

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13y ago

when u burn them it makes toxic ash.

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Q: How do plastic bags cause land pollution?
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Waste water from land, carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, trash thrown overboard, abandoned fishing nets and equipment, plastic bags.

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Land pollution can cause fires and other horrible things.

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It can cause land pollution.

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In order to prevent land pollution, we all need to unite and work together as it is that only one person cannot prevent it. The first and foremost thing which we need to change to save earth is our habit. Most of us have the habit of throwing plastic wrapers after having the toffee or something else inside it. Besides, things that destroy the environment should be banned and replaced by more eco-friendly materials. Such as plastic bags should be replaced with jute or paper bags,etc.

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one of the causes of land pollution is because of the cigarette butts that has been thrown on the grown.

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Us we cause land pollution by throwing around rubbish

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Yes there is definitely pollution of air, water and land. In the capital city's streets of Port Moresby, there are plastic bags, packaging, bottles and any rubbish at all that is just casually thrown on the ground, which ends up in the ocean, most commonly at Ela Beach.

Will banning grocery bags save trees?

Yes, but if you ban the paper bags then only the plastic bags will be used and they will fill up the land fills. At least paper is biodegradable.

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Land pollution normally becomes a hazard or endangers the life of animals that live in the given area. Land pollution may also cause a degradation of vegetation and natural habitats.

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Do chemicals prevent land pollution?

Heck No. In fact, chemicals make land pollution much, much worse and can cause many diseases.