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Because of the gravity of earth,The disposals will be send to Mars and Venus,The aliens will eat the diapers and send it to the sun and burn it and the aliens will sing before the disposals came in to my life i eat them so fast i miss them so bad

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13y ago

Well if something can be recycled it can be made into something else but dispose in garbage and that will make be bigger landfills. So RECYCLE!

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Q: How do improper waste disposal affect the ecosystem?
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What is improper waste disposal?

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How have people changed the surrounding environment?

by improper waste disposal

What are the result of improper human waste disposal?


What are recommendations to lessen the improper waste disposal?

Improper waste disposal can be effectively counteracted through recycling. Designated bins help better facilitate the different waste groups. Recycling helps prevent landfill buildup.

How do you save earth from environmental degradation due to improper disposal of waste?


What are recommendatiON s to lessen the improper waste disposal?

throw your garbages properly

What are the effects of improper diposal of wastes?

Improper disposal of waste can lead to pollution of air, water, and soil, harming human health and the environment. It can also result in the spread of diseases, contamination of food sources, and destruction of ecosystems. Additionally, improper waste disposal can contribute to global issues such as climate change and loss of biodiversity.

Which areas are most affected from waste disposal?

Communities living near landfills, bodies of water used for waste disposal, and areas with inadequate waste management systems are most affected by waste disposal. These areas face environmental pollution, health risks, and economic burdens due to improper waste disposal practices.

What the effect of improper waste disposal?

The effect is pollution that is harmful to the environment and animal life.

How you pollute the soil?

Soil pollution can occur through the disposal of harmful chemicals, pesticides, and industrial waste directly onto the soil surface. Activities such as improper disposal of plastic, improper waste management, and overuse of fertilizers and pesticides can also contribute to soil pollution. Additionally, oil spills, mining activities, and improper disposal of electronic waste can also contaminate the soil.

What are the effects of improper human waste disposal?

I don't know... Can u tell me plz... I know my own

What diseases are caused from improper disposal of human waste?

magkasakit ka ug maayo na...matay dayun