Customers are primary stakeholders.
A stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business. Stakeholders are individuals, groups or organisations that are affected by the activity of the business.
stakeholders wouls be banks, shareholders, employees and customers.
External stakeholders are individuals or groups outside of an organization who have an interest or influence in its operations and outcomes. Examples of external stakeholders include customers, suppliers, shareholders, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the local community.
Owners have a big say in how the aims of the business are decided, but other groups also have an influence over decision making. For example, the directors who manage the day-to-day affairs of a company may decide to make higher sales a top priority rather than profits. Customers are also key stakeholders. Businesses that ignore the concerns of customers find themselves losing sales to rivals. In a small business, the most important or primary stakeholders are the owners, staff and customers. In a large company, shareholders are the primary stakeholders as they can vote out directors if they believe they are running the business badly. Less influential stakeholders are called secondary stakeholders.
someone outside the business who provide or use the services given eg customers, society, governemnt, unions and suppliers.Entities such as customers, suppliers, lenders, or the wider society which influence and are influenced by an organization but are not its 'internal part' x
The external stakeholders in banking industry are : Customers,supplier,creditor, other banking and financing institutions, and the society and environment.
Customers, suppliers, and so on.
employer, customers, suppliers
stakeholders is a firm are the customers, staff, bank, suppliers, owners, bank, local authority.