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Q: How did socrates see his role in society?
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What was Socrates theory of justice?

Socrates believed that justice is the virtue of the soul, and that it involves fulfilling one's role or function in society. He argued that injustice arises from ignorance and that people should seek wisdom and understanding to cultivate a just character. Socrates also emphasized the importance of self-awareness and inner harmony in achieving a just society.

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Socrates called himself a gadfly because he believed his role in society was to challenge, provoke, and stimulate critical thinking in others. Just like a gadfly's sting can prompt a horse into action, Socrates sought to awaken and stimulate the minds of his fellow citizens.

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See the "What was Socrates's main accomplishment?" question.

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Socrates raised questions about ethics, the nature of virtue, the role of education in society, the importance of self-examination, and the relationship between knowledge and wisdom. He was particularly interested in exploring the concept of justice and the nature of the human soul.

What Socrates role in Athenian society?

Socrates was a philosopher in ancient Athens who played a significant role by questioning societal norms, beliefs, and values. He was known for his method of questioning, which challenged individuals to critically examine their beliefs, leading to self-reflection and growth. However, his teachings and questioning of traditional beliefs eventually led to his trial and execution by the Athenian authorities.

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The Lyceum was a school founded by Aristotle after the death of Socrates. It was a place for philosophical and scientific research and teaching. While it was not directly associated with Socrates, it played a significant role in shaping Western philosophy.

What was Socrates accused of when he was placed on trial?

Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and introducing new gods to the city, which was seen as undermining the established beliefs and values of society.

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