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Q: How did people respond to the radio?
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(Apex Learning) The police notified people that the events were part of a fictional story.

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FM radio is inherently less sensitive to natural noise ... not immunebut significantly less sensitive ... than AM radio is.

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How did people respond to the radio saying aliens have landed in 1938?

Most listened carefully enough to know it was the Mercury Theater (this was announced several times during the show), or changed the channel or looked in the radio listings, or in some other way verified that it was not real. A substantial number of people didn't, though, and panicked. The best source of details about this is Dr. Hadley Cantrill's book about the panic.

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A: cats can respond to diffrent people

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People respond based on their interpretation of others' intentions.

What was true of Franklin Roosevelt's Fireside chats?

FDR's informal radio speeches to the people