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Black nationalism, or "Black Power" as it is sometimes known focused on black people improving their own communities, rather than fighting for full integration into American society as a whole.

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Q: How did black nationalism reflect a change from the early days of the civil rights movement?
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Which type of nationalism movement occurred in the US?

There have been many, from the colonial era to present day nationalist movements. However, arguably the most prominent would be the civil rights movement of the mid-twentieth centurty. The civil rights movement of the 1950s to 1960s resulted in American civic nationalism prevailing over ethnic nationalism, as legal barriers preventing African Americans from attaining the full citizenship were removed, officially enfranchising African Americans as equal citizens as guaranteed by the Constitution.

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A civil rights movement fights for the rights of all people. A civil rights movement wants to change laws that ensures equality for all people. There are civil rights movements all over the world.

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Fascism, which originated in Italy is World War 1 and is named for the Fasci guild movement.

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