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Q: How could your community so it's solid waste problem?
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Is the best solution to the solid waste problem to reduce the amount of material that enters the waste stream?

The best solution to the solid waste problem is to reduce the amount of material that enters the waste stream is a statement that frequently appears on true or false tests. The answer is true. Examples of solid waste include garbage, old tires, scrap metal, toys, and furniture.

Why is nuclear waste dangerous to the local community?

because it dirty

What is factory waste?

The by-products of manufacturing. It could be a liquid, a solid, or a gas.

Compare municipal solid waste and manufacturing solid waste?

municipal solid waste is where the waste from households and businesses is produced

What has the author Larry Lee Ayres written?

Larry Lee Ayres has written: 'Post-consumer solid waste reduction as a means of ameliorating the urban solid waste problem' -- subject(s): Civil engineering

What percent solid waste is recycled?

Approximately 32% of solid waste is recycled in the United States. This percentage varies by country and region based on recycling programs and policies in place.

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Problem: I am cold. Solution: I put on warm clothes. Problem: I am hungry. Solution: I eat a waffle. Problem: I am bored. Solution: I answer questions on :) Hope I helped! <3

Why is waste a big problem?

Because that food could be going to the hunger

What is the importance of solid waste management?

IMPORTANCE OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT - Solid waste management not only comes from industrial units. It also comes from various sources. Every man with the operation of daily domestic work creates solid waste for disposal. A study in united state shows that solid waste per person per day in 1920 is 1.2kg. It increases 2.3kg in 1970 and about 3.6kg in 1980. This shows that solid waste per person is mounting due to number of reasons. Solid waste disposal creates a problem primarily in highly populated areas. The more concentrated the population. The greater the problem. In India, generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial, hazardous waste, biomedical waste have been increasing due to population growth, life style changes and economic development. On the other hand, waste management responses have not kept pace with the increasing quantities of waste resulting in (a) a high proportion of uncollected waste, and (b) poor standards of transportation, storage, treatment and disposal. The insanitary methods adopted for disposal of solid wastes is a serious health concern with significant environmental, social and health costs associated with it. Open dumping of garbage facilitates the breeding of disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and other pests. The poorly maintained landfill sites further, are prone to groundwater contamination because of leachate production. Practically every citizen is now search of clear air and pleasant environment. The land pollution problem has grown enormously in the recent years due to waste dumping civics administration are facing the problem for hygiene disposal waste. Those calls for separate efforts of not only the civics administration but participation of several responsibilities publics groups and industrial lists. As the cities are growing in size and problems seen as the generation of plastic waste, various municipal waste treatment and disposal methods are now being used to try resolving these problems. Garbage generation in household can be recycled and reused to prevent creation of waste at sources and reducing amount of waste thrown into the community dustbins. Because of this solid west management is essential.

How is the waste in your body similar to the waste in your home or community?

the waste in your body goes through a cycle and so does the waste in our homa and community.

How solid waste eliminated from the body?

Solid waste is eliminated through the anus.

What is the importance of waste management?

IMPORTANCE OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT - Solid waste management not only comes from industrial units. It also comes from various sources. Every man with the operation of daily domestic work creates solid waste for disposal. A study in united state shows that solid waste per person per day in 1920 is 1.2kg. It increases 2.3kg in 1970 and about 3.6kg in 1980. This shows that solid waste per person is mounting due to number of reasons. Solid waste disposal creates a problem primarily in highly populated areas. The more concentrated the population. The greater the problem. In India, generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial, hazardous waste, biomedical waste have been increasing due to population growth, life style changes and economic development. On the other hand, waste management responses have not kept pace with the increasing quantities of waste resulting in (a) a high proportion of uncollected waste, and (b) poor standards of transportation, storage, treatment and disposal. The insanitary methods adopted for disposal of solid wastes is a serious health concern with significant environmental, social and health costs associated with it. Open dumping of garbage facilitates the breeding of disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and other pests. The poorly maintained landfill sites further, are prone to groundwater contamination because of leachate production. Practically every citizen is now search of clear air and pleasant environment. The land pollution problem has grown enormously in the recent years due to waste dumping civics administration are facing the problem for hygiene disposal waste. Those calls for separate efforts of not only the civics administration but participation of several responsibilities publics groups and industrial lists. As the cities are growing in size and problems seen as the generation of plastic waste, various municipal waste treatment and disposal methods are now being used to try resolving these problems. Garbage generation in household can be recycled and reused to prevent creation of waste at sources and reducing amount of waste thrown into the community dustbins. Because of this solid west management is essential.