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give your self a time limit. lets sat two months. avoid that person for that long and by the end of the month if you still love them get back. but most likely u wont. so avoid them. Try to go out sleep around get a college degree or what ever else u couldnt do before.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Be a bit more critical in your thinking and less forgiving when you find someone you think you'll fall in love with.

Consider all the negative sides to them, and consider how it would not match with your character.

Think about how you'd want them to be different than what they already are, but know there isn't a likely chance they will change for anyone including you.

It's not guaranteed that you'll never fall in love again as some people are just very romantic and loving, but when you weigh the negatives, sometimes you can change your mindset.

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16y ago

Well you cannot really stop yourself from falling in love with your friend. Who you fall in love with is your fate. Love is a gift and you cannot ignore it whether or not it is annoying. The person you fall in love with is meant to be your soul mate. If the chemistry doesn't feel right then try looking for another true love. All i can say to you is try to get to know him/her and see if the chemistries right if it isn't then you should look for another soul mate. I hope this answers your question.

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15y ago

find his faults and compare them with the man you love most see him regularly but talk to him normally pick out points you dont like about him but dont HATE him just say to yourself 'do i really want to fall in love with the man who...' .....................But me problem is i AM a man, i can't be gay round ere(bi)I thought bout tryin 2 av a relationship but e's straight n nit wud nevr appen, so i need to try n fall out of luv wiv im:-L bit of a problem, ive nevr felt like this bout any1, i fell in luv once wiv a girl but it was nower near i feel wic him:-L

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