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Just resist what ever it is that your peers are trying to pressure you to do! Even though you may thing it makes you cool it isn't. Stay strong and keep hanging out with your true friends because these people that are trying to get you to do these stupid things aren't really your friends!

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They can:

  • Say No
  • Walk Away
  • Suggest a different Activity/Idea
  • Explain why they shouldn't do that activity
  • Ask an adult for help/guidance
  • Make up an excuse EX.( My mom said No) (I have to be somewhere, right now) (I play sports, and doing this could get me kicked of the team) (I want to maintain good grades so I can graduate) ETC.

Hope this helps. There are LOTS more ways.

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Q: How can you resist peer pressure?
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How can you resist peer pressure to use drugs?

just say no

What are some questions about peer pressure?

How does peer pressure influence decision-making among teenagers? What strategies can be used to resist negative peer pressure? How does social media impact peer pressure among young people?

What are the four resistance skills you can use to resist negative peer pressure?

The four resistance skills to resist negative peer pressure are assertiveness, refusal skills, avoidance, and seeking support from positive influences or adults. These skills can help you confidently say no to peer pressure and make choices that align with your values and goals.

Why does high self esteem help you resist peer pressure?

High self-esteem can help you resist peer pressure because you are more comfortable with your own beliefs and values, making you less likely to succumb to external influence. When you have a strong sense of self-worth, you are more confident in making decisions that align with your own principles, even in the face of peer pressure.

What statements about peer pressure is true?

Peer pressure can influence individuals to conform to certain behaviors or attitudes in order to fit in with a group. Peer pressure can come in both positive and negative forms, influencing individuals to make choices that align with the group's expectations. It is important for individuals to have the confidence to resist negative peer pressure and make independent decisions that align with their values and beliefs.

What are the types of pressure?

They're 5 Kinds of Peer Pressure These are it ~ Negative Peer Pressure , Positive Peer Pressure , Heavy Peer Pressure , Indirect Peer Pressure , and Friendly Peer Pressure

Some facts about peer presure?

Peer pressure is the influence exerted by a peer group on an individual to conform to their attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. It can be positive and encourage beneficial actions, or negative and lead to risky or harmful behavior. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to peer pressure as they navigate their social relationships and strive for acceptance within their peer group. Building strong self-esteem, communication skills, and a supportive network can help individuals resist negative peer pressure.

What are types of peer pressure are there?

There are different types of peer pressure, such as positive peer pressure (encouraging good behavior or choices), negative peer pressure (encouraging risky or harmful behavior), and indirect peer pressure (feeling pressured to conform to a group's expectations or norms). Understanding these distinctions can help individuals navigate peer influence in a healthy way.

How you go on with your peers?

The best way to go on with your peers is to only engage in activities that are positive, and always resist negative peer pressure.

Which influence do many teens credit their ability to resist using tobacco?


Which is an effective way to resist peer pressure to do something you're uncomfortable with?

One effective way to resist peer pressure is to calmly but firmly say no and explain your reasons without getting defensive. Surround yourself with friends who respect your boundaries and values. Practice assertiveness and decision-making skills to strengthen your ability to say no when needed.

How many pupils suffer peer pressure?

It is common for many pupils to experience some form of peer pressure during their school years. The extent of its impact can vary depending on the individual, their peers, and the situation. It is important for students to develop skills to navigate and resist negative peer pressure.